英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-11-18(在线收听

 Leading the news. All 50 people onboard a Russian plane have died of a fire crash in the airport of the city of Kezan. Tbe Boeing 737 had taken off from Moscow and was reportedly trying to land for a third time when it crashed and exploded on impact. 

Prime Minister Tony Abott has wrapped up his three day visit to Sri Lanka for the Curb of More Heads of government meeting. Sri Lanka's human rights record dominated the summit. Mr. Abott avoided the issue, choosing instead to focus on the asylum seekers. He's given Sri Lanka two reconditioned navy patrol boats to help combat people smuggling. 
Police are investigating the shooting of ... motorcycle gunman in Melbourne overnight. The ban was shot at the back outside house in northern suburb ...and is now in a stable condition in hospital. He's a member of the red dabbles bucky gang which is affiliate bruise health angels. 
Australia's largest tyre recycling company has been investigated by the New South Wales environment protectioin authority. Carbon apolomus has been accused of leaving a dangerous stock polar of used tyres as it's abandoned in Sydney headquarters. 
And British Nobel Prize winning author Dorris Lessing has died. She was 94. The author's based-on works includes The Grass of Seeing and Children in Violence. In 2007 Ms. Lessing became the all of author to receive the Nobel Prize for literature at the age of 88. 