英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-11-21(在线收听

 Primer minister Tony Abott will repair relationship with Indonesia which is damaged by revelation of espion. Warning against short apologies, he promises to respond quickly to Indonesian concerns. Mr. Abott will respond to Indonesian decision on suspend cooperation against people’s smuggling and put joint military exercises in intelligent sharing on hold.

    Australian taxation office will share 900 jobs by next July. There are several reasons inlcuding federal government decision to describe mining  tax, the tax official say anticipated cuts come from natural tradition and volunteer redundancy. 
    Revi Merker’s wife Mrs. Wendy Ding agrees to divorce settlement. The payer appear New York spring court finalize the agreement of 14 years marriage. Mr. Ding expects to keep a couple of hidden apartments in her home in Beijing. 
    Virgin Australia is threastening illegal negotiation against Qantas starting to share virgin capital raising plan. Virgin says a raise of 350 M $ share buyback. But Qantas says it would leave Virgin largely owned by New Zealand and Singapore airline by 80 ahead. The federal government blocks this move.