英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-11-25(在线收听

 Leading the news this morning.

The Opposition has moved to a 52 per cent lead over the Coalition's 48 per cent on a two-party-preferred basis as according to a Fairfax&Nielsen Poll out this morning. Fairfax calls the fastest recovery by any Opposition after losing an election.
An independent think-tank has proposed lifting the pension age to 70 and including owner occupying housing into pension assets test. The proposal by the Grasten Institute is aimed at helping repair federal and state budgets. The institute also says the good and service tack should be broadened to include fresh food, private health and education expenses. 
Australia's Cricket Captain Michael Clark has defended his sledging of England batman James Anderson at the end of the first test in Brisbane. Clark says while England and Australia always play hard and tough on the field, there's strong mutual respect off the field.
US President Barack Obama has welcomed Iran's decision to limit its controvesial nuclear program in return for around 70 billion dollars in sanction relief. But he says the lifting of sanctions will be reversed if Iran does not stick to the agreement. Israel Prime Minsiter Bejamin Netanyahu has condemned the agreement as a mistake.
And police divers have recovered the body of a three-year-old boy from a dam on a rural property in Victoria. The boy was last seen yesterday playing on the edge of the dam in Dipy in the state's southwest.