英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-11-26(在线收听

 A number of Sydney school students could face jail for allegedly importing drugs into the country. Custom says international crime sydicates are offering teenagers sums of money to accept packages from China. Two students, aged 15 and 16, are facing possible charges and others are being questioned. A 24-year-old man has been arrested.

The government's under pressure to honour the school funding deals struck under Labor. The Education Minister Christopher Pyne has called the so-called "Gonski" deals "complicated and confused" .And says the government has no choice but to go back to the "drawing board". But the Opposition and liberal states, including New South Wales and Victoria, are warning Mr Pyne to honour the deals already struck.
Scientists say there's liitle evidence that culling sharks will prevent more fatal attacks off WA. Locals called for the action after a shark killed surfer Chris Boyd near Margaret River. The Premier Colin Barnett has so-far ruled out the shark call. 
And Englsh test Cricket batsman Jonathon Trott  has left the Athen tour and is returning home. He's said to be suffering a stress-related illness. Trott's been criticised for a poor show in the third test in Brisbane. 
And those are the latest headlines from ABC News.