英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-11-27(在线收听

 The Australian sharemakert managed to closed higher after a fairly flat day on Wall Street overnight. The All Ordinaries Index added a tenth of a per cent, as did the ASX 200 index.  Across the region, it's a mixed session. The Nikkei in Tokyo has reversed course after yesterday's gains. And the Australian dollar has been recovering from last night's major fall. It's buying 91.81 US cents. 

The Reserve Bank has watered down expectations that the Central Bank could intervene in markets to force down the value of the Australian dollar. Last week, the dollar dropped after Reserve Bank governor Glen Steven said in a speech that intervention remains part of the bank's toolkit. Speaking today, deputy governor Dr Philip Lowe said the need to take action doesn't currently exsit. 
“In the past, we have been preparing to intervene in the currency market when it was clear the currency was mis-aligned,when the market was not working well. The threshold for invervention, though, is fairly high, but must be something that we brought in the air.”
To the day's company news. And there's a question mark over the future of Rio Tinto's aluminum operation at the Gilfurf Peninsula in the Northern Territory. Though there was limited market reaction, the company shares fell in line with most other major miners. Woolworths held its annual general meeting with concerns about coal supermarkets closing in the gap on Woollies one of the issues raised.