英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-11-28(在线收听

 China has warned that there will be consequences if Australia doesn't withdraw criticism of a new air defense that China has established in the East China Sea. Foreign Minister Julia Bishop says the announcement was unhelpful and it will not contribute to regional stability. But China says that Australia comments are irresponsible and has now demaned those comments be withdrawn to avoid damaging bi-lateral relationships.

Quatas has called for the Federal Government to reveal foreign ownership laws, claiming that it's competing on an unfair playingfield. Rival Virgin Australia is majority owned by three state-owned airlines. Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey says they should debate on the issue.
Victoria police has apoligised after a senior detective used a photo of Jill Meagher's body in a shallow grave as a prop during a speech. The graphic photograph was shown to hudreds of people at a prostate cancer fund raiser last week. Acting deputy commissioner Steve Fontana says it was unfortunate error of judgement. 
A three-year-old boy has died after he was run over by a four-wheel drive at a home in Sydney's west. The boy was playing in the driveway when he was struck. He received critical head injuries and he later died in hospital.  
The Italian senate has expelled former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi over his tax fraud conviction. The senate speakder declared that Mr. Berlusconi was no longer eligible for a seat in parliament because of that conviction. The 77-year-old was convicted of masterminding an illegal tax scheme to reduce the tax bill of his large media company.