英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-11-29(在线收听

 State and territories education ministers will meet in Sydney shortly to try to thrash out a deal on school funding. The government has come under fire for deciding to doubt Labor's school funding model after 2014. New South Wales, Voctoria, Tasmania and South Australia insist that funding agreements for the next six years have already been signed and must be honored.

Indonesia has signalled that it could take up to one year to restore relations with Australia. Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa says normal bilateral relations will resume until a new protocol is signed. 
An Australian Greenpeace activist detained in Russia will walk from jail within days. Fifty-nine-year-old Colin Russell is the last of the so-called "Arctic 30" to be granted bail. He spent 71 days in a St Petersburg jail.
The Federal Treasurer has questioned whether tax payers has prepared to pay to keep Qantas locally owned. Qantas argues that it can't fairly compete against Virgin Australia because the Qantas sale act restricts foreign ownership. Joe Hockey says Australians need to prepare to put public money into the Airline if it's to remain the national carrier. 
The reporter who prompted the Royal Commission into child sex abuse has won Australia's highest journalism honor--the Gold Walkley. Joanne Mccarthy from the New Castle Herald revealed the extent of child sex abuse by Catholic clergy in the Hunter Valley. The ABC has taken out seven categories.