英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-12-01(在线收听

 Graincorp says the Federal Government's jeopardised the future of rural infrastructure along Australia's east coast by rejecting Archer Daniels Midland's takeover proposal. The Treasurer Joe Hockey said the multi-billion dollar deal was not in Australia's interests. Business groups and market analysts say it sends a message that foreign investment isn't welcomed in this country, Archer Daniels Midland though says he plans to increase its stake in Graincorp. 

Graincorp shares plunged as much as 26 per cent on the news that the takeover had been rejected by the government. Shares in Graincorp did recover a little, but closed down 22 per cent. Rio Tinto jumped 2.5 per cent after a decision to suspend production at its Gove Alumina facility. 
The number of private sector credit loans has grown by a third of one percent in October. Figures from the Reserve Bank show that private sector credit grew by 3.5 percent over the year to October. Housing credit stands at 5 per cent for the year, but business loans are only 1.4 per cent higher than a year ago.
Turning to the broader sharemarket. And it fell with a lack of offshore leads with Wall Street shut for the Thanksgiving Holiday. The All Ordinaries Index down a quarter of a percent.The ASX 200 Index shed a third of a per cent. Across the region, it's a mixed session. And the Australian dollar has reversed yesterday's gains.