学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 1916 enroll(在线收听

1916 enroll

今天我们要学的词是 enroll. Enroll 动词,意思是注册。Between Dec. 1 and 2, roughly 29,000 Americans enrolled online for insurance through the HealthCare.gov web-site. 12月1号到2号期间,大约有两万九千名美国人在HealthCare.gov网站上注册申请医疗保险。可怜天下父母心。40 groups of parents camped out for almost two weeks in order to enroll their kids in the Fairview Clifton School. 为了能让孩子上费尔围.克利夫顿学校,四十个家庭的父母露天在学校外面排队,一排就是将近两个星期。好的,今天我们学习的词是 enroll, enroll, enroll ...
