
   Tort reform

  Closing the lottery
  The debate over tort reform generates exaggerated claims, but also a few good ideas
  IN HIS floundering campaign for president, Rick Perry has at least brought one topic into prominence: tort reform. In June the governor of Texas signed a “loser pays” tort law, intended to discourage slight or frivolous lawsuits by making losers pay the winners’ legal costs. Conservatives are eager to support it. The right has maintained for decades that America’s legal culture smothers small businesses, doctors and innovators.
  里克?佩里的竞选之路举步维艰,但他提出的“侵权法改革”却引起热议。今年六月,这位德州州长签署了 “败诉赔付”的侵权法案,规定侵权案的败诉方要补偿胜诉方的法律成本,希望以此减少一些琐细无聊的侵权诉讼。该法案得到保守分子的大力支持。几十年来,右派人士坚持认为,美国的法律文化窒息了小企业、医生和创新者。
  Too bad, then, that the Texas law is timid. “Loser pays” is the norm in many countries, including England, Canada and Germany. But there, “loser pays” is the rule in most torts. The Texas bill awards legal costs only for suits “that have no basis in law or in fact” and are dismissed before any evidence is gathered. Most competent lawyers can write a complaint that clears this bar. Even the Texas trial-lawyers’ association eventually endorsed Mr Perry’s law.
  Only one other state, Alaska, has loser-pays, and only for a portion of fees. More intriguingly, Florida imposed “loser-pays” in 1980 for medical-malpractice cases. The number of claims dropped, but the average award rose, suggesting that more high-merit cases got their day in court while low-merit filings were deterred or settled for less. But many losing plaintiffs were too poor to pay the winners’ costs, while in one case a losing defendant had to pay millions for the plaintiff’s legal fees. Even doctors supported the law’s repeal in 1985.
  Marie Gryphon of the Manhattan Institute, a centre-right think-tank, who is author of a loser-pays proposal, says that Texas got “much less than half a loaf”, and that Florida was spooked too quickly. She argues that loser-pays countries need legal insurance, which can be bought (for example) in England for just ?100-200 ($150-300) after an alleged loss, but before a suit is filed. Lawyers can advance the premiums and add them to their bills. In other countries, such as Germany, many households carry standing legal insurance with a small monthly premium. Ms Gryphon argues that in such a mature loser-pays market more small-value but high-merit cases would be brought, while both small “nuisance” suits and big “lottery” suits would be less attractive to lawyers.
  Loser-pays has yet to be properly tried in America. Another idea, however, is in place in many states: capping damages. In the popular imagination runaway juries routinely impose huge non-economic damages (to punish a defendant or make up for a plaintiff’s suffering). In practice, headline-grabbing awards are often reduced by judges: the notorious $2.7m in punitive damages for a woman who spilled scalding McDonald’s coffee on her lap in 1994 ended up at $480,000.