
   Avon boots out its boss

  Andrea’s adieu
  An ugly mess at a beauty firm
  “YOU have got to go home tonight, Friday evening, and you have got to fire yourself,” a management coach once told Andrea Jung, the boss of Avon, an American beauty firm. The idea was for her to come back to work the following Monday as if starting her job anew. Alas, this brilliant tip was not enough. As Avon’s share price has wilted like mascara under a sunlamp, Ms Jung is being pushed out for real. On December 13th the firm announced that she will be replaced as chief executive.
  美国化妆品公司雅芳的一位经理曾对老板钟彬娴女士(Andrea Jung)说道:“你今晚必须回家,周五晚上,而且你必须辞职。”该想法是为了让她能在下周一犹如重新开始工作一样重返办公室上班。唉,这个聪明绝顶的小建议并不能起到明显作用。当雅芳公司股价像日光灯下的睫毛膏一样萎缩时,钟彬娴女士确实被推到风口浪尖。12月13日,公司宣布钟彬娴将只担任首席执行官一职。
  The makeover will be gradual. Ms Jung, who has run Avon since 1999, will stay on as chairman and help the board find a new boss. It will be a tough job for anyone. Avon is the world’s biggest direct-seller: an army of cheery salesfolk hawk its products door-to-door. The 125-year-old New York-based company has an annual revenue of over $10 billion and operations in more than 100 countries. But it has stumbled badly of late. Its share price has fallen by 45% this year (see chart).
  Ms Jung had a glossy start at Avon, presiding over six consecutive years of double-digit growth. Yet she failed to use these fat years to invest in the business. By 2005 the firm was looking blemished. Sales declined in major markets. The share price dropped. Ms Jung laid off 25% of senior staff and cut costs everywhere except for advertising and distribution.
  Avon never really recovered. In March 2009 Ms Jung launched the biggest hiring drive in the company’s history and nearly doubled the marketing budget. She saw in the global economic crisis a chance to overtake Avon’s rivals. It didn’t work.
  Moreover, the company has spent more than $150m on an internal investigation of alleged corruption among sales representatives in China and Latin America. Several have been dismissed. America’s Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating, too. If Avon is found guilty of anything, the penalties could be steep.