听电影学英语-生活大爆炸第一季 4.The Luminous Fish Effect (发光新人效应):Sheldon被炒事件(在线收听

 [00:01.68]you know,I've been thinking about time travel again. 我最近一直在想着时光旅行

[00:06.36]Why,did you hit a roadblock with invisibility? 为什么 你又撞上看不见的路障了?
[00:08.40]Put it on the back burner. 暂时先不说那个
[00:11.60]Anyway,it occurs to me if I ever did perfect a time machine, 我想到如果我发明了完美的时间机器
[00:16.08]I would just go into the past and give it to myself, 我会回到过去把它送给自己
[00:18.96]thus eliminating the need for me to invent it in the first place. 省得要自己发明它
[00:22.04]Interesting. 有趣
[00:22.44]Yeah,it really takes the pressure off. 是啊 让我减压不少
[00:26.12]Sounds like a breakthrough. 听起来像是个大突破
[00:26.68]Should I call science magazine and tell them to hold the cover? 要我打电话给科学杂志 让他们留下头版的位置吗?
[00:31.08]It's time travel,leonard,I will have already done that. 这可是时间旅行 Leonard 过去的我已经打过了
[00:33.08]Then I guess congratulations are in order. 那就等着祝贺你啦
[00:35.84]No,congratulations will have been in order. 不 过去的你已经祝贺过我了
[00:39.92]You know,I am not going to enjoy this party. 我肯定在派对上不会开心的
[00:42.28]I know,I'm familiar with you. 我知道 我了解你
[00:46.48]The last department party,professor finkleday cornered me and talked about spelunking for 45 minutes. 上次系里的派对 Finkleday教授 抓着我谈了45分钟的窑洞挖掘
[00:51.88]Yes,I was there. 我也在场
[00:51.04]You know what's interesting about caves,leonard? 你知道窑洞有什么好玩的吗 Leonard?
[00:52.72]- What? - Nothing. - 什么? - 什么也没有
[00:56.88]Well,then we'll avoid finkleday,we'll meet the new department head, 那我们躲开他 我们会见到新的系主任
[00:58.60]congratulate him,shake his hand and go. 恭喜他 跟他握手 然后就走
[01:02.72]How's this? 这样如何?
[01:01.28]"Pleased to meet you,dr.Gablehauser. "见到你很高兴 Gablehauser博士"
[01:03.12]"How fortunate for you that the university's "chosen to hire you, "您真幸运 学校雇用了您"
[01:06.00]despite the fact "that you've done no original research in 25 years, "尽管您25年来都没做出什么原创研究"
[01:10.40]"and instead have written a series of popular books " "而是写了一系列畅销书"
[01:13.08]that reduce the great concepts of science "to a series of anecdotes, "将科学这一伟大的概念 降格为奇闻轶事"
[01:15.84]"each one dumbed down to accommodate the duration "of an average bowel movement. "每则故事都简单到 能在一次肠部运动的时间内看完" (就是厕所读物)
[01:21.44]Mahalo. Mahalo (夏威夷语的谢谢)
[01:26.24]" "Mahalo's" a nice touch. "Mahalo"是不错的修饰
[01:29.44]You know there only eight consonants in the hawaiian language? 你知道夏威夷语里只有8个辅音吗?
[01:32.84]Interesting. You should lead with that. 有趣 你就这么做开场白吧
[01:35.04]Oh,god,look at this buffet. 瞧瞧这自助餐
[01:38.20]I love america. 我爱美国
[01:42.16]You don't have buffets in india? 印度没自助餐吗?
[01:42.80]Of course,but it's all indian food. 有 但都是印度菜
[01:46.08]You can't find a bagel in mumbai to save your life. 在孟买你可找不到能救命的面包圈
[01:49.08]Shmear me. 给我涂点酱
[01:53.32]Well,here's an interesting turn of events. 事态的发展真是有趣
[01:53.60]What? 怎么了?
[01:56.20]Howard brought a date? Howard带了女伴?
[01:59.12]A more plausible explanation is that his work in robotics has made an amazing leap forward. 可能是他在机器人方面的研究 取得了重大进展
[02:03.28]Hey,what up,science bitches? 怎样 科学怪人们?
[02:08.48]May I introduce my special lady friend summer? 这位是我特别的女性朋友Summer
[02:12.40]Howard,I told you touching's extra. Howard 我说了碰我要加钱的
[02:13.56]Right. Sorry. 好 抱歉
[02:17.96]Here comes our new boss. Be polite. 我们的新老板来了 礼貌点
[02:20.04]Hi,fellas. 大家好
[02:19.56]- Eric gablehauser. - Howard wolowitz. - 我是Eric Gablehauser - 我是Howard Wolowitz
[02:21.72]Howard,nice to meet you. And you are? Howard 见到你很高兴 你是?
[02:27.52]An actual real scientist. 一个真正的科学家
[02:31.64]How was that? 这个开场白怎样?
[02:34.56]I can't believe he fired me. 我不敢相信他开除我了
[02:37.12]Well,you did call him a glorified high school science teacher 你说他是被捧出来的高中理科老师
[02:40.84]whose last successful experiment was lighting his own farts. 还说他上一次成功的试验 是点燃了自己的屁
[02:46.12]In my defense,I prefaced that by saying,"with all due respect." 但我之前说了"恕我直言"
[03:08.84]The Big Bang Theory Season01 Episode04  天才理论传 第一季 第4集
[03:14.88]Morning. 早
[03:17.00]Morning. 早
[03:17.08]You're making eggs for breakfast? 今天早餐 你做鸡蛋吃?
[03:19.64]This isn't breakfast,it's an experiment. 这不是早餐 这是试验
[03:25.80]'Cause it looks a lot like breakfast. 但看起来很像早餐
[03:26.24]I finally have time to test my hypothesis about the separation of the water molecules 我终于有时间验证我的理论 从蛋白质总分离水分子
[03:29.36]from the egg proteins and its impact vis-a-vis taste. 以及它对口感的影响
[03:34.68]Sounds yummy. 听起来真开胃
[03:38.88]I look forward to your work with bacon. 我很期待你配上熏肉后的成果
[03:41.04]As do I. 我也是
[03:43.44]You know,I'm sure if you just apologize to gablehauser,he would give you your job back. 我相信只要你跟Gablehauser道歉 他会让你回去工作的
[03:46.04]I don't want my job back. 我不想回去工作
[03:49.40]I've spent the past three and a half years staring at grease boards full of equations. 过去三年半时间我都在瞪着 写满方程式的板子上
[03:53.36]Before that,I spent four years working on my thesis. 在那之前我花了四年时间写论文
[03:54.64]Before that,I was in college,and before that,I was in the fifth grade. 在那之前 我在上大学 而在大学之前 我在上5年级
[04:01.76]This is my first d oayff in decades and I'm going to savor it. 这是我十几年来第一次休息 我要好好享受
[04:03.60]Okay. 好吧
[04:05.60]I'll let you get back to fixing your eggs. 那你回去弄你的鸡蛋吧
[04:07.92]Not just fixing my eggs,I'm fixing everyone's eggs. 不只是我的鸡蛋 弄的是全人类的蛋
[04:13.52]And we all thank you. 我们都感激你
[04:44.36]use new eggs. 要用新鲜鸡蛋
[04:52.40]hi. Hey,I'm running out to the market. 嗨 我正要去超市
[04:53.52]Do you guys need anything? 你们要带什么吗?
[04:53.20]Oh,well,this would be one of those circumstances that 这就是那些不熟悉数学规律的人
[04:57.36]people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence. 会称之为巧合的事件之一了
[05:01.88]I'm sorry? 你说什么?
[05:01.60]I need eggs. 我要蛋
[05:02.52]Four dozen should suffice. 4打就够了
[05:05.40]Four dozen? 4打?
[05:05.44]Yes,and evenly distributed amongst brown,white, 对 棕蛋 白蛋
[05:08.76]free-range,large,extra large and jumbo. 走地鸡蛋 大鸡蛋 加大鸡蛋 跟特大鸡蛋各要8个
[05:09.92]Okay,one more time. 好 再说一次
[05:12.44]Never mind. You won't get it right. 算了 你肯定搞不对
[05:15.76]I'd better come with you. 我最好跟你一起去
[05:17.08]Oh,yay. 好呀
[05:22.92]How come you didn't go into work today? 你今天怎么没去上班?
[05:26.64]I'm taking a sabbatical because I won't kowtow to mediocre minds. 我在休假 因为我不愿向平庸之流屈服
[05:29.56]So you got canned,huh? 你给开除了?
[05:32.04]Theoretical physicists do not get canned... 理论上说物理学家不会给开除...
[05:34.08]but yeah. 但你说对了
[05:38.40]Well,maybe it's all for the best. 可能这样最好
[05:40.56]You know,I always say when one door closes,another one opens. 我相信一扇门关上了 总会有另外一扇门打开的
[05:43.00]No,it doesn'T. 不 不是的
[05:46.00]Not unless the two doors are connected by relays or there are motion sensors involved. 除非两扇门用继电器连接 而且还装有传感器
[05:48.44]No,no,I meant... 不 我是说...
[05:50.84]or if the first door closing creates a change of air pressure that acts upon the second door. 或者一扇门关上时产生的空气 压力作用于第二扇门引致...
[05:56.08]Never mind. 算了
[05:57.96]Slow down. 慢点
[05:59.68]Slow down. Please,slow down! 慢点! 拜托慢点!
[06:01.44]We're fine! 没事啦!
[06:02.28]You're not leaving yourself enough space between cars. 你跟车都不保持足够的距离
[06:03.88]Oh,sure,I am. 我有啊!
[06:04.80]No,no,let me do the math for you. 不 我给你算算
[06:06.16]This car weighs,let's say 4,000 pounds. 就算这车重4000磅
[06:10.16]Now add 140 for me,120 for you... 我140磅 你120磅
[06:13.76]- 120? - Oh,I'm sorry. - 120? - 不好意思
[06:15.48]Did I insult you? 冒犯你了吗?
[06:14.24]Is your body mass somehow tied into your self-worth? 你的体重跟自我价值有关系?
[06:18.96]Well,yeah. 当然
[06:20.60]Interesting. 有趣
[06:22.64]Anyway,that gives us a total weight of,let's say 4,400 pounds. 那么我们就算总重4400磅吧
[06:24.84]Let's say 4,390. 算4390磅
[06:27.60]Fine. 好
[06:30.52]We're traveling forward at-- good lord-- 51 miles an hour. 目前时速是 老天啊 51英里/时
[06:34.36]Now let's assume that your brakes are new and the calipers are aligned. 假设你的刹车是新的 卡钳也是校准的
[06:35.76]Still,by the time we come to a stop, 当我们停下时
[06:39.72]we'll be occupying the same space as that buick in front of us, 我们占有的空间 跟前面那辆别克是一样的
[06:41.08]an impossibility that nature will quickly resolve into death,mutilation... 因此我们会在短时间内 给压成稀泥 死得很惨...
[06:44.84]oh,look,they built a new putt-putt course. 哇 看 他们在铺新的迷你高尔夫场地
[06:51.64]This is great. 真好
[06:52.48]Look at me. 看看我
[06:54.08]I'm in the real world of ordinary people just living their ordinary,colorless workaday lives. 我生活在普通人的平凡世界中 过着他们无趣平常的一天
[07:01.96]Thank you. 谢谢
[07:00.44]No,thank you. 不 谢谢
[07:02.24]And thank you,ordinary person. 谢谢 普通人
[07:08.20]Hey,you want to hear an interesting thing about tomatoes? 你想知道关于番茄的趣闻不?
[07:11.12]Uh,no,no,not really. 不 不想
[07:10.64]Listen,didn't you say you needed some eggs? 你不是要买鸡蛋啊?
[07:13.96]Yes,but anyone who knows anything about the dynamics of bacterial growth 对 但任何对细菌繁殖学稍有了解的人
[07:18.48]knows to pick up their refrigerated foods on the way out of the supermarket. 都会在出去结账时 才买冰柜里的食物
[07:20.08]Oh,okay,well,then maybe you should start heading on out then. 那好 那你现在就该准备出去了
[07:26.60]No,this is fun. 不 这样很好玩啊
[07:26.16]Oh,the thing about tomatoes-- and I think you'll really enjoy this-- 关于番茄的事 我觉得你肯定会喜欢的
[07:30.56]is they're shelved with the vegetables,but they're technically a fruit. 它们给摆在蔬菜栏里 但事实上却是一种水果
[07:34.16]- Oh,interesting. - Isn't it? - 真有意思 - 是吧?
[07:34.36]No,I mean what you find enjoyable. 不 我指的是你觉得有趣的事情很有趣
[07:43.76]Oh,boy. 天啊
[07:46.00]What now? 又怎么了?
[07:47.88]Well,there's some value to taking a multivitamin,but the human body can only absorb so much. 服用维生素剂有一定价值 但人体能吸收的量是有限的
[07:52.36]What you're buying here are the ingredients for very expensive urine. 你买的东西会变成昂贵的尿液配料
[07:57.24]Well,maybe that's what I was going for. 也许我就是要这个
[07:60.84]Well,then you'll want some manganese. 那你就买锰
[08:08.00]Well,that was fun. 刚刚很好玩呀
[08:11.32]Maybe tomorrow we can go to one of those big warehouse stores. 也许明天我们能 一起去那种仓储式商店
[08:13.24]Oh,I don't know,sheldon. 我不知道哦 Sheldon
[08:14.88]It's going to take me a while to recover from all the fun I had today. 我要花一段时间才能 从今天度过的乐趣中恢复过来
[08:19.16]Are you sure? 你确定?
[08:19.88]There are a lot of advantages to buying in bulk. 大宗采购有很多优势呀
[08:23.84]For example,I noticed that you purchase your tampons one-month supply at a time. 比如说 我发现你 一个月采购一次卫生棉条
[08:29.76]What? 什么?
[08:32.80]Think about it. 想想啊
[08:32.44]It's a product that doesn't spoil and you're going to be needing them for at least the next 30 years. 这种产品不会变质 而且你接下来至少30年都要用它
[08:36.64]You want me to buy 30 years worth of tampons? 你要我买30年份的卫生棉条?
[08:41.68]Well,30,35. 30或35年
[08:43.20]- When did your mother go into menopause? - Okay. - 你母亲什么时候绝经的? - 好了
[08:45.32]I'm not talking about this with you. 我才不跟你说这个
[08:47.36]Oh,penny,this is a natural human process,and we're talking about statistically significant savings. 这是人类自然发展进程 而且你能省下一大笔钱
[08:52.72]Now,if you assume 15 tampons per cycle and a 28-day cycle... 假设你每次用15条 28天一次...
[08:56.92]are you fairly regular? 你经期正常吗?
[09:02.24]Okay,no warehouse store,but we're still on for putt-putt golf,right? 好吧 不去仓储式商店 但我们还是一起去迷你高尔夫吧?
[09:14.60]Hey,I just ran into penny. 我刚碰到Penny
[09:15.84]She seemed upset about something. 她好像有点心烦
[09:15.12]I think it's her time of the month. 可能她大姨妈来了吧
[09:20.32]I marked the calendar for future reference. 我在日历上做记录 以备参考
[09:25.80]What's with the fish? 鱼是怎么回事?
[09:29.48]It's an experiment. 是实验呀
[09:32.08]What happened to your scrambled egg research? 你的炒蛋研究呢?
[09:34.88]Oh,that was a dead end. 那是死路一条
[09:34.28]Scrambled eggs are as good as they're ever going to be. 炒蛋就这样啦
[09:39.44]So... fish? 那...鱼?
[09:41.64]I read an article about japanese scientists who inserted dna from luminous jellyfish into other animals, 我看到一篇文章 说日本科学家 将发光水母的DNA注入到其他动物体内
[09:46.72]and I thought,"hey,fish nightlights. 我就想 "对哦 夜光鱼灯"
[09:55.24]" Fish nightlights? 夜光鱼灯?
[09:56.84]It's a billion-dollar idea. 这是个能发大财的主意
[10:01.08]Mum's the word. 沉默是金
[10:02.52]Sheldon,are you sure you don't want to just apologize to gablehauser and get your job back? Sheldon 你确定不要跟 系主任道歉然后回去上班啊?
[10:08.04]Oh,no,no,no,I have too much to do. 不不不 我有太多事情要做
[10:11.04]Like luminous fish. 比如说发光鱼
[10:12.56]I'm sorry. I didn'T... 对不起 我不知道
[10:15.20]that's just the beginning. 这只是个开头
[10:18.52]I also have an idea for a bulk mail-order feminine hygiene company. 我还有个大宗女性护理用品 邮购公司的设想
[10:23.68]Oh,glow-in-the-dark tampons! 夜光卫生棉条!
[10:26.60]Leonard,we're gonna be rich. Leonard 我们会暴富
[10:32.24]Thanks for coming on such short notice. 谢谢你这么快赶过来
[10:35.60]Well,you did the right thing calling. 你给我打电话是对的
[10:37.84]I didn't know what else to do. 我不知道还能怎么办
[10:39.40]He's lost all focus. 他失去生活的重心了
[10:38.64]Every day he's got a new obsession. 每天他都沉迷于一个新想法
[10:47.36]This is a particularly disturbing one. 这一个让我特别困扰
[10:54.20]Mommy? 妈妈?
[10:56.36]Hi,baby! 宝贝!
[11:05.88]Oh,you got yourself a loom? How nice! 你给自己弄了个纺织机? 真棒!
[11:11.72]Thank you. 谢谢
[11:10.28]Honey,why'd you get a loom? 亲爱的 为什么要弄台纺织机?
[11:14.16]I was working with luminous fish,and I thought,hey... 我在研究发光鱼 所以我想到...
[11:20.36]"loom." "纺织机" (英语中"纺织机"与"发光"发音部分相同)
[11:22.44]Mom,what are you doing here? 你来这干嘛 妈妈?
[11:26.00]Leonard called me. Leonard给我打电话了
[11:26.68]I know,but why? 我知道 为什么?
[11:28.20]Because one of the great minds of the 21st century is raising glow-in-the-dark fish 因为21世纪最聪明的脑袋 用在了养夜光鱼
[11:33.04]and weaving serapes. 和编织毛毯上
[11:37.24]This is not a serape,this is a poncho. 这不是毛毯 这是雨布
[11:38.84]A serape is open at the sides; a poncho is closed. 毛毯不收边 雨布收边
[11:41.68]This is a poncho. 所以这是雨布
[11:42.40]And neither is a reason to call someone's mother. 不管是什么 都不能成为 你打电话给别人母亲的理由
[11:46.28]Really? When was the last time you left the house? 是吗? 你上一次出家门是什么时候?
[11:49.64]I went to the market with penny. 跟Penny去超市
[11:50.44]Yeah,that was three weeks ago. 对 那是三周以前的事了
[11:54.96]Well,then buckle up-- in the next four to eight days she's going to get very crabby. 那么小心啦 接下来的4到8天她会变得很暴躁
[12:01.84]Sweetheart,your little friend is concerned about you. 亲爱的 你的朋友很担心你
[12:04.36]Yes,well,I'm not a child-- I'm a grown man,capable of living my life as I see fit. 但我是成年人了 我能过自己想要的生活
[12:08.20]And I certainly don't need someone telling on me to my mother! 我也绝不需要 有人跟我母亲打小报告!
[12:11.12]Wait,where are you going? 等等 你去哪?
[12:13.76]To my room-- and no one's allowed in! 我房间! 闲人免进!
[12:18.44]oh,he gets his temper from his daddy. 他的脾气像他爸爸
[12:22.84]- He's got my eyes. - I see. - 眼睛像我 - 原来如此
[12:24.72]All that science stuff,that comes from jesus. 他的科学头脑是上帝赐予的
[12:30.36]Sheldon,your mom made dinner. Sheldon 你妈妈做了晚饭
[12:31.16]I'm not hungry! 我不饿!
[12:33.12]Oh,leonard,don't trouble yourself. He's stubborn. Leonard 你别管了 他很固执的
[12:35.60]He may stay in there till the rapture. 他可能在那待到天使降临
[12:41.80]We so sure that's a bad thing? 确定那是件坏事?
[12:42.36]I tell you,I love the boy to death,but he has been difficult 跟你说 我很爱那孩子 但他很难相处
[12:44.76]since he fell out of me at the k-mart. 自从他在Kmart超市 从我身体里滑出来后
[12:49.32]Excuse me for being so bold,but I now see where sheldon gets his smoldering good looks. 原谅我的无礼 但我终于知道Sheldon 英俊的外表是从哪继承的了
[12:56.56]Honey,that ain't gonna work,but you keep tryin'. 亲爱的 这不会起作用的 但你可以继续尝试
[13:02.28]I made chicken. 我做了鸡肉
[13:04.44]I hope that isn't one of the animals that you people think is magic. 我希望这不在你们民族 觉得神圣的动物之列
[13:14.44]You know,we have an indian gentleman at our church, 我们教堂里有一个印度人
[13:16.08]a dr.Patel-- it's a beautiful story. Patel医生 这是个感人的故事
[13:17.28]The lord spoke to him and moved him to give us all 20% off on lasik-- 上帝给与他启示 把他带来我们身边 让我们享受8折激光矫正视力手术
[13:23.64]you know,those that needed it. 你知道 给那些需要做这手术的人
[13:24.44]Leonard: That is a lovely story. 真是个感人的故事
[13:27.44]Um,are we gonna do anything about sheldon? Sheldon的事 我们不用做什么吗?
[13:30.68]Oh,we will. 当然要
[13:31.12]You have to take your time with sheldon. 对付Sheldon要慢慢来
[13:33.52]His father,god rest his soul,used to always say to me, 他死去的爸爸过去总跟我说
[13:33.08]"mary,you have to take your time with sheldon." "Mary 对Sheldon要耐心"
[13:37.36]Sounds like a wise man. 听起来是个睿智的人啊
[13:40.28]Oh,not so wise. 没那么睿智
[13:40.56]He once tried to fight a bobcat for some licorice. 他有一次为了甘草跟山猫打了一架
[13:44.36]So,everybody grab a plate and a pretty place mat that shelly wove. 大家拿盘子 还有Sheldon织的餐垫
[13:51.80]Has shelly ever freaked out like this before? 他以前也这么发作过吗?
[13:54.88]Oh,all the time. 总是这样
[13:55.24]I remember one summer when he was 13, 我记得他13岁时的夏天
[13:58.68]he built a small nuclear reactor in the shed 他在小屋里做了一个小型原子反应堆
[13:60.04]and told everybody he was gonna provide free electricity for the whole town. 然后跟大家说 他会为全镇人提供免费电力
[14:03.92]Well,the only problem was,he had no what you call "fissionable" materials. 问题是 他没有你们所说的"可裂变物质"
[14:10.28]Anyway,when he went on the internets to get some, 当他试图上网采购时
[14:13.36]a man from the government came by and sat him down real gentle, 一个政府官员来访 很温柔地让他坐下
[14:17.16]and told him it's against the law to have yellow-cake uranium in a shed. 告诉他 私人持有铀精矿是违法的
[14:22.44]Well,what happened? 然后呢?
[14:22.56]Well,poor boy had a fit. 发作了呀
[14:25.72]Locked himself in his room and built a sonic death ray. 把自己锁在屋里 做了个音速死亡放射线仪
[14:27.48]A death ray? 死亡放射线?
[14:28.36]Well,that's what he called it. 他是这么叫的
[14:31.28]Didn't even slow down the neighbor kids. 那玩意都阻止不了隔壁的小孩
[14:35.64]It pissed our dog off to no end. 倒是让家里的狗折腾个没完
[14:38.20]You know,you two make a cute couple. 知道吗 你俩真是可爱的一对
[14:43.32]uh,no. We're not... 不 我们不是...
[14:43.12]we're not-not a couple. We're singles. 不是一对 我们都是单身
[14:46.08]- Two singles. - Yeah. - 两个单身 - 对
[14:46.36]Like those... individually wrapped slices of cheese that... 像是那种...独立包装的芝士片
[14:50.96]we're friends. 我们是朋友
[14:53.44]Did I pluck a nerve there? 我是不是踩到地雷了?
[14:54.96]- Oh,yeah. - Okay. - 对 - 好吧
[14:58.12]All right,everybody,it's time to eat. 好吧 大家 该吃饭了
[14:59.20]Oh,lord,we thank you for this meal and all of your bounty. 主啊 感谢您赐予我们晚餐 及您所有的恩赐
[15:06.76]And we pray that you help sheldon get back on his rocker. 我们祈求您帮助Sheldon重新振作
[15:10.08]Now,after a moment of silent meditation,I'm gonna end with "in jesus' name," 沉思一阵之后 我会以"以主之名"结束
[15:13.60]but you two don't feel any obligation to join in. 但你们俩不一定要跟着一起说
[15:18.28]Unless,of course,the holy spirit moves you. 当然 除非你被圣灵感动
[15:31.16]Oh,my god,this is the best cobbler I've ever had. 哇 这是我吃过最好吃的厚皮馅饼
[15:33.64]It was always sheldon's favorite. Sheldon最喜欢吃这个
[15:34.64]You know w thathe secret ingredient is? 你知道秘方是什么吗?
[15:38.16]- Love? - Lard. - 爱? - 猪油
[15:44.36]Hey,look who's come... 看看谁来了...
[15:45.08]You'll spook him. 嘘 你会吓到他的
[15:50.20]He's like a baby deer-- you got to let him come to you. 他就跟小鹿似的 你得让他过来亲近你
[16:02.60]This is ridiculous. 太荒谬了
[16:01.56]Damn it,sheldon,snap out of it! 够了! Sheldon 振作起来!
[16:04.32]You're a physicist-- you belong at the university doing research,not hiding in your room! 你是物理学家 该在学校做实验 而不是躲房间里
[16:16.68]you don't hunt,do you? 你不打猎的 是不是?
[16:25.04]good morning,snickerdoodle. 早上好 小饼干
[16:26.20]Morning. 早
[16:29.12]Oh,well,that looks awful fancy. What is that? 那看起来好奇特啊 是什么呢?
[16:32.92]It's my idea of what dna would look like in a silicon-based life-form. 我设想的硅系生物DNA模型
[16:37.88]But intelligently designed by a creator,right? 但是由造物主巧妙地设计?
[16:45.12]What do you want,mom? 你想干什么呀 妈妈?
[16:45.36]You know how your daddy used to say that 你知道你爸爸经常说
[16:48.68]you can only fish for so long before you got to throw a stick of dynamite in the water? 你只能在把炸药扔进鱼塘之前 钓那么一会儿鱼
[16:53.72]Yeah. 记得
[16:53.60]Well,I'm done fishing. 我钓够鱼了
[16:57.40]You put those on. 你穿上衣服
[16:59.60]What for? 为什么?
[16:59.76]Because you're gonna go down to your office, 因为你要回到办公室
[17:02.12]you're gonna apologize to your boss and get your job back. 跟你的老板道歉 回去上班
[17:04.52]No. 不要
[17:07.96]I'm sorry,did I start that sentence with the words,"if it please your highness"? 不好意思 我刚刚是以 "若尊贵的陛下愿意"开始的吗?
[17:12.40]I'm not going to apologize-- I didn't say anything that wasn't true. 我不要道歉 我说的都是实话
[17:15.16]Now,you listen here. 你听好
[17:18.16]I have been telling you since you were four years old, 我从你4岁开始就跟你说
[17:20.16]it's okay to be smarter than everybody,but you can't go around pointing it out. 比大家都聪明不是问题 但你不能到处显摆
[17:24.12]Why not? 为什么?
[17:24.12]Because people don't like it! 因为别人不喜欢!
[17:28.52]Remember all the ass-kickings you got from the neighbor kids? 记得邻居的孩子欺负你的事吗?
[17:34.44]now,let's get crackin'. 动作快点
[17:35.48]Shower,shirt,shoes,and let's shove off. 沐浴更衣 然后我们就出发
[17:42.44]There wouldn't have been any ass-kickings if that stupid death ray had worked. 如果那该死的死亡放射线能用 我就不会挨打了
[17:50.44]Problem solved. 问题解决了
[17:52.88]Really? 真的?
[17:54.28]That's impressive. 真厉害
[17:53.56]Leonard,the lord never gives us more than we can handle. Leonard 主自有分寸
[17:58.28]Thankfully,he blessed me with two other children who are dumb as soup. 幸亏我另外两个孩子傻得像头驴
[18:06.44]Excuse me,dr.Gablehauser,are you busy? 抱歉 Gablehauser博士 您在忙吗?
[18:09.56]Well,actually... 实际上...
[18:09.04]sheldon,he's just doodlin'. Sheldon 他只是在乱画而已
[18:11.76]Get in here. 进来
[18:16.20]Dr.Gablehauser. Gablehauser博士
[18:17.08]Dr.Cooper. Cooper博士
[18:21.88]Let's go,baby-- we're losing daylight. 说吧宝贝 天要黑了
[18:28.04]as you know,several weeks ago in our first encounter, 你知道 几周前我们第一次见面时
[18:30.28]we may have gotten off on the wrong foot when I called you an idiot. 我们可能没给彼此留下好印象 我称你为白痴
[18:35.28]And I just wanted to say that I was wrong... 我只想跟你道歉...
[18:40.52]to point it out. 指出这一点是我不对
[18:44.64]I'm sorry,we haven't been introduced. 抱歉 我们还不认识
[18:47.76]Dr.Eric gablehauser. 我是Eric Gablehauser博士
[18:46.56]Mary cooper,sheldon's mom. 我叫Mary Cooper 是Sheldon的妈妈
[18:48.48]Now,that's impossible-- 不可能吧
[18:51.44]you must have had him when you were a teenager. 你怀他的时候还是个少女吧
[18:53.56]Oh,aren't you sweet. 你嘴真甜
[18:55.56]His father's dead. 他父亲过世了
[18:59.04]- Recently? - Long enough. - 最近? - 够久的了
[19:01.64]Please. 请坐
[19:02.24]sheldon,shouldn't you be working? Sheldon 你不该去上班啊?
[19:09.80]Okay. 好的
[19:17.20]Hey,how did it go? 怎么样?
[19:18.20]I got my job back. 我可以回来上班了
[19:18.36]Really? What happened? 真的? 怎么回事?
[19:22.16]I'm not quite sure. 我不太清楚
[19:23.56]It involves a part of the human experience that has always eluded me. 其中包含的人类经验我从未经历过
[19:30.60]Well,that narrows it down. 那还真是缩小范围了
[19:35.04]I'm very proud of you,honey. 我为你骄傲 宝贝
[19:36.12]You showed a lot of courage today. 你今天表现出了极大的勇气
[19:38.16]Thanks,mom. 谢谢你 妈妈
[19:44.36]Mom? 妈?
[19:46.84]Is dr.Gablehauser going to be my new daddy? Gablehauser博士会是我的新爸爸吗?
[19:53.92]We'll see. 看看再说吧
[19:54.76]Sleep tight. 好梦