
  Secure Internet Protocols - A set of security rules or standards that determines how computers talk to each other on a network.

  Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) - See Dialup Service

  Shell Access - Basic Dialup Access to the Internet offering e-mail and mail forwarding, telnet, FTP and IRC.

  Single Bill Fee - Many long distance companies are now adding a fee to the phone bills of customers who are billed for long distance service through their local phone companies. TDS Long Distance does not charge this fee.

  Slamming - When a telephone customer’s long distance service has been switched from one long distance company to another without the customer’s permission. This is illegal.

  SLC - Subscriber Line Charge. A monthly fee paid by telephone customers. The money is used to compensate the local telephone company for part of the cost of maintenance and installation of the telephone wire, poles, and other facilities that link a customer’s home to the telephone network.

  Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) - A method of transferring e-mails between computers on a network.

  SLIP - See Serial Line Internet Protocol or Dialup Access

  SLiPPP (Serial Line Internet Point to Point Protocol) - A popular Dialup Access service that comes with a Shell Account, a dedicated IP address, a unique Domain Address and high-speed 28.8 modems.

  SMDS - See Switched Multimegabit Data Service

  SMTP - See Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

  Spectrum - Federal government designation of a range of frequencies for a category of use or uses. For example, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocated the 1900 MHz band for personal communications services. Allocation, typically accomplished in years-long FCC proceedings, tracks new technology development. However, the FCC can shift existing allocations to accommodate changes in spectrum demand. As an example, some UHF television channels were recently reallocated to public safety.

  State Subscriber Line Charge - A charge mandated by some state public service or utility commissions to compensate the local phone company for part of the cost of providing local telephone lines associated with state services, i.e. intrastate long distance and local exchange services.

  SSL - The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a common protocol for managing the security of data transmission over the Internet. You can tell if a Web page is encrypted by looking for the "lock" graphic within your browser window. Sites that need to transfer sensitive information such as passwords and credit card information from the browser to the server must have SSL enabled. TDS uses SSL for your protection.

  Subscriber - The party identified in the account records of a common carrier as responsible for payment of the telephone bill. (1.) Any adult person authorized by such party to change telecommunications services or to charge services to the accounts; or (2.) any person contractually or otherwise lawfully authorized to represent such party.

  Switch - A device that opens or closes circuits, completes or breaks an electrical path.

  Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) - A new standard for extremely high-speed data transfer (up to 34 Mbps).
