
   A MAN walks into a conference room at the W hotel in downtown Austin. The setting, sleek and hushed, says business. The trainers—red, puffy, and paired with a sports coat—add a wink: new business.

  “There are crazy awesome start-ups happening in every nook and cranny in this country,” says Scott Case, the man in question. He is the boss of the non-profit Start-up America Partnership, which means to help fledgling entrepreneurs by smoothing their access to private-sector money and mentoring. The idea is that as these young companies grow, they will create jobs—new jobs, good jobs—and related economic activity that enriches the entire community. Some of the start-ups may even be “gazelles”, companies that grow by leaps and bounds.
  Last year the Kauffman Foundation, a think-tank focused on entrepreneurship (and which provided initial funding for Mr Case’s partnership), released a report explaining that new firms typically create about 3m jobs in America each year. Between 1980 and 2005 they contributed some 40m net new jobs—as many as the country’s entire private sector managed over that time.
  So people are keen to help. Barack Obama announced a start-up initiative at the beginning of last year, and last month he renewed the call. Congress is considering a bipartisan Start-up Act that could provide some tax credits, regulatory exemptions, and so on. Regional economic development groups have taken up the idea of economic “gardening”. The philosophy there is that regions should focus on core strengths and home-grown businesses, rather than squabbling with their neighbours in an effort to win a new car plant.
  This is mostly sensible. Many of the proposals mooted for start-ups—expanding the number of visas for highly skilled immigrants, for example—are generally sound. And some start-ups do turn out to be gazelles. Next month, for example, will mark five years since Twitter came to national attention at SXSW, Austin’s annual internet festival.
  Still, there is cause for caution. For one thing, there is some ambiguity over what sort of companies the policymakers are trying to promote. Mr Obama talks about “start-ups and small businesses”. Private-sector people, however, seem to have less interest in the latter. They would rather live in Silicon Valley than on Main Street. But high-tech concepts are not the only viable business ideas. The Austin metro area, for example, is home to just two Fortune 500 companies, Dell and Whole Foods; both, oddly, were founded in the early 1980s by dropouts from the local university.
  然而,还是需要小心谨慎。一方面来说,政策制定者们尝试促进的那类公司仍有点含糊不清。奥巴马先生高谈“新创企业和小生意”。然而,私营企业业主他们更关注硅谷的高科产业,而对小型普通商业不太感兴趣。但是,高科技理念不是唯一的可行商业理念。比如,奥斯汀地铁站区域是财富五百强中两大骄子Dell(戴尔)和Whole Foods(全食公司)的家乡,奇怪的是,二者都是当地大学退学学生在1980年早期办起来的。
  Another issue is that the effects of start-ups on employment may be modest. Perhaps as a result of the recession, the number of new companies that actually employ people is declining. The cohort of companies born in 2009, according to Kauffman, created only 2.3 million jobs.
  Last month the White House invited Mike Krieger, the co-founder of Instagram, to attend the state-of-the-union message to show off America’s fastest-growing social mobile start-up. “What began as a small, two-person start-up working out of a pier in San Francisco has grown to a dozen employees,” Mr Krieger wrote. Even the bigger companies may not be labour-intensive. There is a danger that start-up jobs will be the next variant of “green jobs”: worthwhile, but slightly overhyped.
  上个月,白宫邀请了Instagram公司的联合创始人Mike Krieger参加国情咨文,炫耀着美国增长速度最快的手机行业新创公司。 Krieger 先生写道:“刚开始,一个在旧金山码头运营的两人合伙小公司,逐渐变成了十几个员工的公司。”虽然比这更大的公司都可能不是劳动密集型企业的。潜在的危机在于,新创公司提供的工作岗位将成为下一个变质的“绿色工作”:很值,但稍稍有点浮夸了。