
   The nearby University of Albany’s College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE), the first college in the world dedicated to nanotechnology, is doing much the same. A decade ago Alain Kaloyeros, who runs it, set up a partnership with industry and the state government. Some 300 companies have provided $13 billion to the college for labs and cleanrooms, and the state has contributed a further $1 billion. CNSE has provided some 80,000 square feet of professional-grade cleanroom space which it shares with the nano-industry. Students work both alongside and for private companies. Competitor firms, such as Tokyo Electron and Applied Materials, work almost next to each other.

  附近的奥尔巴尼大学纳米科学和工程学院(CNSE)——世界上第一所致力于纳米技术的学院的做法也与此类似。十年前,该校负责人Alain Kaloyeros与企业及州政府建立起合作关系,约有300家公司为该校提供了130亿美元的资金修建起多间实验室及无尘室,州政府还追加了10亿美元的资金。CNSE还拿出总面积达80000平方英尺的专业级无尘室与纳米产业共享。该校的学生既是与私企并肩工作的人,也是为私企打工者。竞争对手公司,如东京电子和美国应用材料公司,工作地点几乎彼此紧挨着。
  Arguably, the area has returned to its roots. GE Global Research, founded 112 years ago, traces its origins to a carriage barn in nearby Schenectady. After shrinking its manufacturing arm in the 1990s, it is bringing it back to New York, making high-energy-density batteries and digital x-ray-detectors. Other companies are also arriving, such as Air Liquide, one of GlobalFoundries’ suppliers, and Panalpina, a specialised logistics company. Sematech, a chip consortium, has moved to Albany from the high-tech magnet of Austin, Texas. Sinclair Schuller established Apprenda, his cloud-computing start-up, in Saratoga because it is in a “sweet spot”: boasting an educated workforce, and just a few hours’ drive from Montreal, New York City and Boston. And, just to ice the cake, the area has the lowest per-capita county taxes in New York state.
  可以说,萨拉托加已回归本源了。通用电气公司全球研究中心成立于112年前,源头可追溯至附近斯克内克塔迪(美国纽约州东部城市)市的一间马车谷仓。在二十世纪九十年代精简其制造部门之后,通用电气的制造部门又来到纽约,生产高能量密度电池及数字X线探测器。其他公司也纷纷入驻,如全球晶圆公司的供应商之一——法国液化空气集团;专业物流公司——瑞士泛亚班拿集团;芯片联营企业——半导体制造技术联盟也从素有“高科技磁石”之称的德克萨斯州奥斯汀迁到奥尔巴尼;Sinclair Schuller之所以在萨拉托加创立起他的云计算初创公司Apprenda,是因为此地为“最佳位置”——拥有受过良好教育的劳动力队伍,从蒙特利尔市、纽约市和波士顿到萨拉托加都只有几个小时的车程。而且,锦上添花的是该地区在纽约州人均县纳税额最低。
  The ripple effects in the community have been profound: new housing, busy restaurants, more cultural diversity and jobs. The Capital Region’s unemployment rate, at 8.2%, is lower than both New York City’s and the nation’s. The story goes that the warring Mohawk and Mohican tribes could agree on just one thing: not to tell early European settlers about the healing springs of Saratoga. Today, Saratogans are only too happy to boast about the healing powers of high-tech.