美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-12-14(在线收听

 Winter, doesn't it officially start for another 11 days? The weather outside is frightful right now. It is happening across the US: freezing temperature in part of California and Nevada, wind chills 40 below 0 in the middle west, snow and ice on the northeast. On Monday it was warmer and if you are across Alaska it was in St. Louis or Denver. If you drive or fly, this weird weather can cause serious problem.

Snow, freezing wind and dangerous ice. Oh, my god. 
In F Texas,  residents catching these video showing sheets of ice cascading down from the roof tops. Oh, my god. And another early winter storm is reeking havoc across much part of the nation. The frigid storm put Dallas at a deep freeze over the weekend and make a mess from the Ohio valley to the northeast. Road cruisers were out of full force plowing and salting streets.
We are not going to stop working until the roads are clear. 
The wintry weather created tragic conditions on major road ways.
I think they aren't really rough. I think every people forget how to drive in the snow. 
The dangers make the snow and ice cause this fifty car pile upon the Pennsylvania turn pike, killing at least one person. Roads and high ways in the Milwaukee area also have their share problems. Three separate wrecks involving over a hundred cars, buses in ditches,  some ice trailers are jagged, causing a number of injuries.
It was bad like you could barely see out through, just over through  your cars and end up in a ditch. 
But it is not just the drivers feeling the impact, over 2800 flights were canceled nation wide on Sunday, and the number of cancellations continue to grow. This morning the trouble would be  airports along the busy I 95 court including Washington DC and Philadelphia. Heavy snow was the headline at least 4 NFL games on Sunday. Blowing snow made it nearly impossible for fans to tell exactly where the ball was. The football feel look more like ice ring players play slipping and sliding. And the eagles / games in Philadelphia, snow measured as high as six inches in the middle of the field.
Next up today we are heading to the east of Europe, where countries are being  pulled in opposite directions. For decades, Ukraine  was under Soviet rule.  It gained its independence in 1991. Now some Ukrainians think their country should lie with west Europe, and others wanna stay more connected to Russia. When Ukraine president recently refused to make a deal with European Union, the pro-Europe site started protesting calling for change in the government. On Sunday these protests brought down the monument of the former Soviet Union leader. 
Well it was a symbolic activity sign, when the pro-European protesters toppling that statue of the Russia revolutionary Lenin in the center of Kiev, hacking it into pieces with hammers. The pro government supporters staged  their own demonstration nearby and made concerns that Ukraine, a country of nearly 45 million people is increasingly divided.  Hundreds of thousands have gathered in the capital of Kiev calling for the government there to step down. It is a wide spread anger after the Ukrainian president rejected closer ties with the European Union in favor of a trade packs with Moscow.