《神奇树屋》 第三十一册 Summer of the SeaSerpent 10 The Ancient Question(在线收听

  "A hhh!" screamed Jack and Annie.

The giant sea serpent arched its long neck into thesky. Its scaly green skin glistened in the late sunlight.

Staring at Jack and Annie, its eyes burned like brightyellow lamps.

Jack and Annie were frozen with terror.

The monster opened its mouth. Inside were hideousfangs and a purple forked tongue. The serpent made aterrible hissing sound!

Jack and Annie huddled together on the rock.

Frantic seal barks came from far away.

"Teddy!" yelled Jack. "Kathleen!""Their magic can't help us now!" cried Annie,"They're stuck in their seal--"Before she could finish, the sea serpent's deep voiceboomed through the cove: "WHO ARE YOU? ANDWHY ARE YOU SSSTEAL-ING THE SSSWORD OFLIGHT?"Jack was too stunned to answer. But Annie shoutedback at the monster. "We're Jack and Annie! We're ona mission for Merlin!""SSSSSSSSS!"the serpent hissed angrily. Its purpletongue flicked as it coiled its body around the rockyisland. Then the monster arched its neck and loweredits huge head.

Again, the ancient voice boomed through the cove:


"SSSSSSSSS!"hissed the serpent. It turned away andcircled the rocks again. Soon its scaly91green body was coiled twice around the little rockyisland.

It's going to crush us! Jack thought with horror.

Maybe they had strength enough to stab the monsterbefore it squashed them. "Pick up the sword!" heshouted at Annie.

Together Jack and Annie lifted the mighty sword.

They gripped its handle and pointed the gleamingblade at the sea serpent.

"Don't come any closer!" Jack yelled.

The serpent came closer. Its eyes flashed. Its forkedtongue darted in and out. It opened its mouth wide.

"Wait! Stop!" Annie shouted at the sea serpent.

"Give us a chance! Ask us the question!"The serpent closed its mouth. Then it arched itsneck, and its huge head dipped down right in front ofJack and Annie. In a low, deep voice, it said, "WHATISSS THE PURPOSSSE OF THE SSSWORD? THATISSS THE ANCIENT QUESSSTION."

"Okay! The purpose of the sword! Just a minute!"shouted Annie. She turned to Jack. "What is thepurpose of the sword?" she asked.

"To defeat your enemies?" Jack said.

Annie shook her head. "That doesn't sound right.""To force them to give up?" Jack said. "To slaythem?""No, I'm sure that's not right," said Annie.

"SSSSSSSSS!" the serpent hissed at themimpatiently.

"Then what?" said Jack.

"I don't know," said Annie, "but maybe-- maybe it'snot about fighting at all! Look at it!"Jack stared at the gleaming sword. Its silver bladeglowed against the red sunset sky. Staring at thewondrous sword, Jack felt calmer. A strange sense ofjoy and relief came over him.

"ANSSSWER THE QUESSSTION!" the serpentboomed.

Jack's mind became clear. "I think I've got it," hesaid. "Remember the line from Merlin's rhyme?

Answer a question with love, not fear.""Yes!" said Annie. "That's it! It's not about fighting!

It's about not being afraid!""ANSSSWER THE QUESSSTION!" the serpentboomed.

Jack looked up at the serpent's face. As he stareddeep into its yellow eyes, he no longer felt any fear. Itwas the serpent who seemed afraid now.

"The sword should not be used to harm anyone oranything!" Jack shouted.

"That's right!" said Annie. "It should be used forgood only!"The serpent stopped swaying. It flicked its tongue.

"The sword should not make people afraid!" saidJack. "It should help take away their fear! If they'renot afraid, they'll stop fighting!" The serpent was very still.

"The purpose of the sword is not fighting!" Jackshouted. "The purpose of the sword is peace !"
