第2期: aim, below, conceal, daily, risk(在线收听



 单词/词义   中英例句 单词听读
aim He aimed the gun at the enemy officer.
v. 把…瞄准,把…对准 他用枪瞄准了敌军官。

below My sister is in the class below mine.
prep. 低于… 我妹妹的班级比我低。

conceal He concealed the book in his pocket.
v. 隐藏,隐瞒 他把书藏在口袋里。

daily Most newspapers appear daily.
adv. 每日,天天地 大多数的报纸每天出版。

risk He risked his life when he saved the child from the fire.
v. 冒…之险

