英语听力:探索发现 2013-01-23 冰河新新州 Ice Age Oasis—18(在线收听

 Meanwhile, the ground sloth, like the mastodons, must eat most of the day to fuel its huge bulk. This may be the ice age, but by midday, temperatures soar, drawing another predator to the spring to drink—the notorious saber-toothed cat. 

Most creatures give the sabertooth a wide berth, but this skunk seems unconcerned. The sabertooth may be the ultimate ice age predator, but the skunk is feared, too, because of its unique system of self-defence. These stripes serve to warn off most attackers, but perhaps the sabertooth is yet to learn exactly what they mean. 
Stamping his feet, the skunk issues a final warning. But this big cat is still curious. But now the skunk has had enough. The dreaded sabertooth, killer of mastodons and other ice age giants, is defeated by a small but very smelly skunk.