
   At School…

  ?Anne joins Peggy, who seems to be in a daze.?
  Anne: You seem really ticked off.?What's up?
  Peggy: Just get out of my face, would you?
  Anne: Chill out! What's eating you, anyway??
  Peggy: Sorry. It's just that I think I blew the final and now my parents are going to get all bent out of shape. I like totally drew a blank on everything!?
  Anne: Well, now you're really going to freak out when I tell you who aced it...what's -her-face... the one who always kisses up on the teacher.?
  ?Peggy: Jennifer Davies? Give me a break! I can't stand her. She's suck a dweeb! How could she possibly ace it when she keeps cutting class all the time??
  ?Anne: She's the teacher's pet, that's why. Besides, he's so laid back he lets her get away with it. She just really rubs me the wrong way. And you know what? I think she's got the hots for him, too.
  Peggy: Get out of here!
  ?Anne: I’m dead serious. Yesterday, before class starts, she walk up to Mr. Edward’s desk and goes, ‘Good morning, Jim.’?
  ?Peggy: Oh, gag me! She's totally gross!?
  At the Party?在派对上...
  Bob and David arrive at Stephanie's party.
  David:I thought this was supposed to be a big bash!
  大卫: 我还以为这个排队会很热闹呢!
  Bob: Oh, it will be. Stephanie said it's gonna be huge. We're just early, that's all. so, What do ya think of her house?
  David: This place is really cool. Stepanie's old man must be loaded. Hey, look! There's that Domma chick. Man, can she strut her Stuff!'Don't ya think she's a turn on?
  Bob: no way! Have you lost it? She may have a great bod, but as for her face, we're talkin' butt ugly. Get real! Come on, let's go scarf out on some chow before it's gone.
  David: What is this stuff?
  Bob: Beats me. Looks loke something beige. Just go for it.
  David: Yuck! make me heave! Hey, dude...this party's a drag. I dunno about you, but I'm makin'a bee line for the door. I'm history!