艾伦脱口秀15 Robert Pattinson on His Dog Bear(在线收听

   And you have a dog that you rescued from a pound in Louisiana,right?

  你有只狗 手从路易斯安那州的一个收留所里救出来的 对吧
  And what's the name of your dog? He's called Bear. Bear. It's a good name for dog.
  你的狗叫什么名字 它叫熊 熊 真是个好狗名
  That's kind of dog you are looking for,Taylor,right? i'm obcessed.
  这就是你想要的狗 对吧 对吧 对 就是这样的
  He was supposed to be a big man's dog.But he just kind of got stumted.
  它是个大狗胚子 但却有点营养不良
  He is a big man's dog,he looks de-size to the picture.
  不管怎么说 它有只大狗 照片有点失真而已
  Is just the head or something? Or what?
  是因为只拍了头吗 还是什么别的原因
  Yeah,he kind of...I don't know why he looks so big in the picture,
  对 他有点 我不知道为什么他在照片显得那么大
  I want to see no man we are. he looks cute.
  他真的还是只小狗 它看着好萌
  Well his tongue certainly looks big anyway.For his mouth or something?
  不管怎么说 他舌头真够大的 还是有别的原因
  It looks like a Gene simmons dog or something.
  他看起来就像是GENE SIMMONS的狗
  It looks like a curtain.Was it a, hum it is like a curtain.
  看着像个帘子 是啊 是像个帘子
  Was it the puppy when you got it from the pound?Yeah,he was like 5 weeks old.
  你在收留所发现它的时候它是幼犬么 对 他才五周大
  And it was kind of like tour to end of their time,right?
  但是他的生命即将结束 对吗
  Is that what I read? yeah,he was. Yeah,he was in the 5-day-kill shelter.
  我从哪里读到的 是的 它五天没人领养就会被杀掉
  And it was his forth day.Lucky dog.
  那天是他的第四天 幸运的狗
  And you walked in that day.And a couple of days later,
  那天你走了进去 然后几天之后
  just by coincidence,i had to go back to L.A.
  And this is not my usual way of travelling,but we had like a private plane.
  这不是我平时的旅行方式 但那天我们有架私人的飞机
  So I took him from the worst pound in Monroe,Louisiana and he was sitting on
  所以我就把大熊从路易斯安那州门罗市 最糟糕的收留所带回来 所以第二天她就坐在了
  a little private jet the next day. on a private jet. It's hilarious. it's awesome.
  私人小喷气飞机里 私人喷气飞机 太搞了 真棒
  Having a cocktail looking forward out of the window,so long, suckers.
  喝着鸡尾酒 还看着窗外 永别了 倒霉蛋们
  We were staying at the Four Seasons afterwards.
  They didn't have and dog food so i got him a little plate of prosciutto.
  他们没有狗粮 所以我给了他一小盘火腿