NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-01-16(在线收听

 A federal judge says Oklahoma's new state constitution amendment banning the same sex marriage violates the federal constitution. But the judge is putting his role on hold  pending  appeal of a nearly identical lawsuit in Utah. Mxx with member station kwgs reports.

Supporters of gay marriage have been looking forward to the state for more than nine years. that's how long ago 76% voters are approved to constitutional amendment banning gay marriage here, and how long ago two XXX area couples filed a lawsuit against that ban. Tobe Jenkins is the executive direcor of Oklahoma quality. He agrees with the judge XXX's assessment that the  majority view had to give way to individual's constitutional rights. Every mother and father ought to have the same right for everyone of their children, and if one of those children is gay they ought to be able to get married in Oklahoma, and the state of Oklahoma should have to recognise it. Current issue to state its own ruling so marriages won't take place right away in Oklahoma. from NPR news, I'm Metroter in Tosa Oklahoma.
Two roswell new Mexical middle school students remain hospitalised tonight after a school shooting. One student is in critical condition, the other is in serious condition. A 12 year old boy is in custody after a teacher start the attack.
Published remarks attributed to Isarelie defense minister are creating diplomatic XXXQuiz? The comments are highly critical of US effort to bring a peace deal between Isarel and Palestinians. XXX from Jerusalem has more.
An Isareli newspaper published remarks  Tuesday it attributes to Isareli defense minister M ARON in private conversation. According to the report the defense minister called a  US  plan for Isarel's  security under a peace deal  not worth the paper it is written on. He also described seceraty of the state John Kerry as messianic and obssessed in his pursuit of an agreement. The state department spokesperson said if their remarks are accurate they are offensive. Isarel defense minister did not deny the comment, but shouldn't the state  saying US and Isarel work through the disagreements? Details of any progress in the talks have not been made public. But cracks have already appeared in Isarelie's correlation goverment over a possible deal. Emily Harrison NPR news,Jerusalem.
In Charleston West Virginia today restaurants and businesses were able to use tap water for the fist time since a chemical leak last week NRP's XXX wong is in Charleston.
Most people I've talked to are pretty even killed about the situation.They are dealing with it, they've changed their routines because this has lasted for days. For those still dont have access to drink or tap water, they are hoping that this will end sooner rather than later.But in the meantime, they are still rolling with it.Tap water remains unsafe for  more than a half of 300000 residents affected by the chemical leak.
On Wall street, the Dow Johnes industrial leverage gain 115 poit close today at 16373 the nasdaq was up 69 point and traded 4183. This is NPR news.
A federal judge granted Chicago's wish for a six month delay to come up with a plan to allow gun sales in the city.NPR XXXX report the city decided not to fight  ruling call Chicago  banning gun sales unconstitutional. It's been more than 30 years since any gun was sold legally in the country's third largest city. But earlier this month, a federal judge ruled that Chicogo's ban on gun sales was not legal. Every rule came on the hill and another that struct down the state of Illinois last in the country on ban carrying conseal weapons. The city of Chicago decided not to appeal the rule on  ban on gun sales, but the attorney said the city needs a full six months to come up with rules regulate fire arm sales and protect public safety or also respecting second amendment rights. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel promises the regulation will be as strict as possible, so the city's drop in violent crime won't be undermined. Sherra Kxx, NPR news, Chicago.
A federal judge presiding a over a multi-million dollars lawsuit aganist NFL over concussion claim says she wants more information before approving a proposed 765  million dollar settlement. US district judge XXX  philladephia said she is concerned that there will not be enough money to cover 20000 retired EFL players for the next 65 years.
Alexandery Virgina,a community with deep roots in civil war history is condering doing a way with an aurevoir that requires certain streets to be named for federal generals.The law on the book since 1963 requires that new north-south running streets be named for confederal military leaders.Response of the ordinance says he is trying to overhualing a series of anderconistic laws,  not all of them  dealing with federal history.I'm Jim Howard, NPR news, in Washington.