刘毅单词(中级)5500 Lesson 21(在线收听


1.Allure v.引诱 同:fascinate

The beautiful beaches of Hawaii allure many tourists from the mainland of the United States.

2.Anew adv.重新;再 同:again

He made so many mistakes that he had to begin his work anew.

3.Banquet n.宴会 同:feast

A banquet was given to honor the retiring president.

4.Crouch v.蹲伏 同:squat

The cat saw the bird and crouched down ready to jump.

5.Flank n.侧翼 同:side

The enemy may attack us on the left flank.

6.Indignant adj.愤慨的 同:wrathful

I was very indignant at the man, for he had treated me so badly.

7.Meadow n.草地 同:pasture

They raise many cows and sheep in the meadow.

8.Mobile adj.动的;富流动性的 同:movable

Many workmen aren’t mobile; if they move to new employment they have difficulties in moving their families.

9.Reverse 1. adj.颠倒的 同:contrary 2. v.颠倒

Would you play the reverse side of that phonograph record, please?

Reverse your sweater or you will put it on wrong side out.

10.Roam v.闲逛;漫游 同:wander

The lovers roamed around the fields in complete forgetfulness of the time.

11.Withstand v.抵抗;耐 同:resist

Children’s furniture must withstand kicks and blows.

12.Concrete adj.具体的 反:abstract

Do you have any concrete ideas on how to deal with this difficulty?

13.Exclude v.拒绝 反:include

They committee decided to exclude all foreigners from joining the club.

14.Incomplete adj.不完全的;未完成的 反:perfect

My homework is incomplete, but I’ll finish it by 3 o’clock this afternoon.

15.Intellectual adj.智力的 反:physical

Teaching or counseling is an intellectual occupation.

16.Plural adj.复数的 反:sigular

Dog is a singular noun; dogs is a plural noun.

17.Quaint adj.古怪而有趣的 反:common

American visitors to China admire our quaint traditions and customs.

18.Savory adj.味香的 反:unsavory

The savory smell of cooking pleased us when we entered the house.

19.Submerge v.淹没 反:float

The flooded river submerged most of the farmland in the valley.

20.Ultimate adj.最后的 反:primary

After many defeats, the war ended for us in ultimate victory.

21.Violate v.违法 反:observe

He violated the law and was arrested by the police.

22.Array v. 1.布置 2.盛装

The soldiers were arrayed for battle in front of the general.

She was arrayed like a queen in her colorful dress.

23.Bald adj.秃头

The old man’s bald headed glistened in the sun.

24.Classify v.分类

In a library, books are usually classified by subjects.

25.Context n.上下文

In some contexts mad means crazy, but in others it may mean angry or foolish.

26.Destine v.命中注定

I never thought I would marry her, but I suppose it was destined.

27.Formulate v.用公式表示;有系统地陈述

Formulate your ideas before you begin to write.

28.Hoarse adj.嘶哑的

A person with a bad cold usually had a hoarse voice.

29.Inaugurate v.举行就职典礼

The new president of the united stars will be inaugurated on January 20.

30.Psychology n.心理学

Child psychology is a required course in teacher training.

31.Refine v.精炼

Sugar, oil and metals are refined before being used.

32.Vengeance n.报仇

He took vengeance on the men who had killed his father.

33.Aisle n.走道

The aisle was wide enough for only one person.

34.Booth n.哨岗;电话亭

He went into the telephone booth to call his wife.

35.Bulletin n.快报

Sports bulletins and weather bulletins are published in most newspapers.

36.Corpse n.尸体

A man has reported to the police that he saw a corpse under the bridge.

37.Extracurricular adj.课外的

Swimming and skating are popular extracurricular activities in our high school.

38.Garage n.汽车间;修车厂

You’d better keep your car in a garage while it’s snowing.

39.Knob n.圆形或球形门柄

He turned the door knob to open the door.

40.License n.执照

While driving a car, you have to carry yours license with you.

41.Parallel adj.平行的

Parallel lines run side by side, but never get nearer to or farther away from each other.

42.Skeleton n.骨骼

The skeleton of the missing man was discovered in the cave

43.Tariff n.关税

There is a very high tariff on imported jewelry.

44.Tickle v.搔痒

She tickled the baby’s feet and made him laugh.

45.Tray n.盘

The waiter carried the dishes on a tray.



1.The tall man had to _____ to get into the small car .

2.His name is written on the _____ side of the medal .

3.The _____ form of a word on English often ends in “s” or “es” .

4.The government _____ immigrants who have certain diseases .

5.We considered all their plans , but the _____ decision was to follow our own .

6.The invention of the airplane _____ a new era intransportation .

7._____ tries to explain why people act , think , and feel as they do .

8.A(An) _____ on the radio warned of the spread of the forest fire .

9.He pulled the _____ of the drawer to get some pencils in it .

10.I’ve written the _____ of my report , but I have to ill in the details .

1. crouch 2. reverse 3. plural 4. excludes 5. ultimate 6. inaugurated 7. Psychology 8. bulletin 9. knob 10.skeleton
