
   假如你去眼镜店配眼镜,你买了一副特别高级的水晶石镜片,却配了一个塑料镜框。当你戴上这副眼镜的时候,估计没几个人能看出来它们真正的价值所在。这就是我们今天要说的这个最新日常英语口语表达good lenses, bad frames,“好镜片,赖镜框”,真人不露相。

  “Good lenses, bad frames” is used to describe someone who gives a bad first impression but is actually a good person, or someone who doesn't appear to be competent, yet is extremely capable at what he/she does。
  “Good lenses, bad frames”(直译为“好镜片,赖镜框”)通常用来描述那些给人第一印象不太好,但实际上人品很好的人;或者看起来没什么本事,但其实工作能力很强的人。所以,可以译为“人不可貌相”或者“真人不露相”。
  For example:
  Dr. Bruce is a spaz, but he's one of the best doctors I know. You wouldn't know it by looking at him...good lenses, bad frames。