VOA常速英语2014--New Yorkers React to Actor Hoffman's Death 纽约人对演员霍夫曼之死的反应(在线收听


New Yorkers React to Actor Hoffman's Death 纽约人对演员霍夫曼之死的反应

NEW YORK — Philip Seymour Hoffman, the award-winning actor who died Sunday of an apparent heroin overdose in Manhattan, is being mourned by members of the Broadway and Hollywood communities, as well as by fellow New Yorkers in his Greenwich Village neighborhood.

纽约 — 菲利普·赛默·霍夫曼,最佳男演员奖获得者,由于海洛因吸食过量在星期天死于麦哈顿。百老汇和好莱坞的社区成员,以及他格林威治村的纽约邻居在为他哀悼。

Philip Seymour Hoffman, who won an Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of author Truman Capote, was celebrated for playing characters pushed to life’s edge.


When news came that Hoffman was found dead in a Greenwich Village apartment he used as an office, the shock was both immediate and visceral for fellow actors, including Kevin Costner.


“It a shame, because who knows what he would have been able to do? But we’re left with the legacy of the work he’s done, and it all speaks for itself,” Costner said


On Monday well-wishers stopped outside the building where the actor died to pay their respects. 


Lisa Rifkin recalled Hoffman’s work leading a neighborhood theater and mentoring artists.


“He was a local person, a community person, who cared about art and understood that the nature of art is to bond with human beings and community," she said. "He cared about the community.”


While Greenwich Village is home to many famous people, few were as well-liked and welcomed as Hoffman at Entwine, a local bar where he often met friends, students and fellow actors.


“When he comes here, he was pretty mellow," said bar owner Mila Simsek. "He doesn’t act like big drama, I am Hollywood star. He was just friendly and he likes to talk to people here.  Not only with us, with customers as well. We had such a fun times with him.”

酒吧的老板Mila Simsek表示:“霍夫曼每次来这的时候都非常平和,他不会应为是好莱坞明星而耍大牌。他很友好,喜欢与这里的人们交谈。不仅仅是和我们这样,与顾客们也是这样。和他在一起我们都感到很愉快。”

Heroin addicts often keep their disease a secret, says Dr. Stuart Kloda, an addiction specialist.

瘾专家Stuart Kloda博士表示,海洛因上瘾者经常会隐瞒他们的疾病。

"You'd be surprised the people you see walking around, and they seem so together, and they've got a lot going on -- they're just highly functioning because of XYZ, for various reasons,” he said.


While Hoffman’s legacy as one of the great actors of his generation is secure, what is less certain is how many more talented people will be claimed by drugs and alcohol.  And what Hoffman could have achieved had he lived and worked to a ripe and sober old age.

