
What is Money For?

Money is a blessing when it is used rightly. The same is true of all other good things. They bless if used well; they curse when abused. Many people do not seem to know what money is for. They want it above all things. But they want it to spend chiefly on themselves.

Money is our circulating medium in trade. Families need it to buy things they must have. In this way society existed and the world of traffic prospers. Money means food, clothing, dwelling, schools, books, wise recreation, and the means of doing good. Of course money is not something to hoard. Its value is in its use.

The Bible says that”the love of money is the root of all evil”. That is, money sought for its own sake is the cause of sorts of evil----lying, stealing, cheating, robbery, and even murder. This is the best reason for avoiding the love of money.
