

  词汇释义:1、adj. 自称无所不知的 2、n. [美口]假装博学多闻的人,万事通(等于know all)know-it-all 例句:
  1、Thou shall not act as a "know-it-all" and jump into every topic.
  2、Spring in 2007, I have only a humble wish. I hope that our plants grow up soon. Or, the Magic Lamp can show me the way to a know-it-all green thumb…2007年的春天,我只有个小心愿,期待我们的植物快快长大,还有女孩的微笑。或者,请神灯赐与我一名园艺专家,指引我方向吧!
  3、In her first year at Hogwarts, Hermione found herself disliked by most of the other kids. She was a bossy know-it-all who told everyone else off for not doing everything according to the rules.
  know-it-all 邻近词语:
  know no bounds 不知限量, 无限
  know what one is ... adj. 一切都应付自如
  know something in... ph. 了解得很彻底
  know what the sco... 知道事情的真相
  know the ropes vt. 知道事情的内情
  know where one is... vt. 理解某人的动机
  know the score vi. 知道真相(懂得人生)
  knowability n. 可知性
  know the time of day vi. 熟悉情况(消息灵...)knowall n. 无所不知的人