VOA常速英语2014--Families of Slain Cambodian Garment Workers Call for Justice 被害柬埔寨服装工人的家属呼吁正义(在线收听


Families of Slain Cambodian Garment Workers Call for Justice 被害柬埔寨服装工人的家属呼吁正义

PHNOM PENH — Families of garments workers shot dead on Phnom Penh streets early last month have appealed for justice.


Khat Samneang is among of them. Her husband, Kim Phalleap, was one of at least four garment workers shot dead during a violent clash between striking garment workers and Cambodian government armed forces on Jan. 3.

Khat Samneang就是呼吁者之一。她的丈夫,Kim Phalleap,是这起冲突的受害者之一。这起冲突是一月三号发生在罢工的服装厂工人和金边市武装部队之间的,造成至少四个工人被枪杀。

A garment worker herself, she says the loss of her husband is the loss of her future.

Khat Samneang也是一个服装工人,她说,失去她的丈夫就是失去了未来。

“I want justice for my husband because he did nothing wrong," said Khat. "He just protested for a higher wage for workers and teachers, and for a lower cost of living, but why did they shoot him with real bullets?”


Hundreds of garment workers were demonstrating for a doubling of their minimum wage of $80 per month when they threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at government security forces, who responded with live ammunition.


“Please help seek justice for my son because he protested only for an appropriate living wage," said Suos Sam Ol, Kim's father, "not to buy a villa, a car or to become rich.”

Kim的父亲,Suos Sam Ol说:“请为我的儿子寻求正义,因为他抗议只是为了适当的生活费用,并不是为了买一栋别墅,买一辆车,或者变成富人。”

Apart from at least four deaths, more than 30 people were injured and 23 others were arrested in the clash.


Activist Tep Vanny and other protest leaders were briefly detained last month while trying to submit a petition calling for the release of 23 activists. She says the four who died should be remembered as heroes.

上月,激进分子Tep Vanny和其它的抗议领导者在提交为释放23名激进分子的请愿书时被短暂扣留。她说,四个被害者应该被成为影响,被人铭记。

“These four sacrificed their lives not just for themselves but for all the garment workers across the country so that they could get a minimum wage of $160 per month," Tep said. "So we will remember them all in our hearts as our most heroic workers.”


Officials have said an investigation is being conducted, but no progress has yet been reported.


Government spokesman Phay Siphan says the investigation will start by looking at the demonstrators first.

政府发言人Phay Siphan说,调查将首先着眼于游行示威者。

Kheng Tito, the spokesman of the military police, told VOA's Khmer service that finding the shooters won't be easy.

军队的发言人Kheng Tito,告诉VOA柬埔寨语的负责人,找到射击者并不容易。

“How do we know who shot them? We do not know because the situation at that time was so chaotic that we did not know who was who," Kheng said. "So, how can we charge anyone with the shooting?”

Kheng 说:“我们如何知道是谁射击了他们?我们不知道,因为当时的情况太混乱了,所以我们不知道谁是谁。这样,我们怎样控告任何人开枪呢?”


Prime Minister Hun Sen faces a growing challenge to his 28-year rule, both from factory workers demanding higher pay, and opposition forces demanding he step down and call a new election due to alleged fraud during a July 2013 election.

