VOA常速英语2014--Washington Week: US Renewing Focus on Syria 聚焦华盛顿:美国重新关注叙利亚(在线收听


Washington Week: US Renewing Focus on Syria 聚焦华盛顿:美国重新关注叙利亚

U.S. President Barack Obama is sharpening Washington’s focus on Syria after the breakdown of U.N.-mediated talks aimed at ending the country’s bloody civil war.


Diplomatic roadblocks are forcing the United States to reassess its approach to Syria. Obama honed in on some of the burning issues.


“There are going to be some immediate steps we have to take to help the humanitarian situation there. There will be some immediate steps we can take to apply more pressure to the Assad regime, and we are going to be taking a look with all the parties concerned to try to move forward on a diplomatic solution,” said Obama.

 奥巴马总统说:“将会有一些我们必须采取的直接步骤,帮助那里的人道主义状况。会有一些我们可以采取的直接步骤,对阿萨德政权施加更多压力。我们将与所有的有关各方协商,努力推进一项外交解决方案。 “

The U.S. president spoke after U.N. mediator Lakhdar Brahimi said days of negotiations between the Syrian government and a rebel coalition deadlocked over a transitional authority to rule Syria in a post-Assad era.


“I think it is better that every side goes back and reflects and takes responsibility.  Do they want this [peace] process to take place or not?” - asked Brahimi.


Government and rebel representatives traded accusations over the impasse.  Meanwhile, bloodletting in Syria continues.


U.S. lawmakers are taking note of the carnage. Senator John McCain is demanding a stronger U.S. response.


“Where is the President Obama who has said he refuses to accept that brutal tyrants can slaughter their people with impunity, while the most powerful nation in the history of the world looks on and stands by?  Where is our outrage, where is our shame?” – asked McCain.

 美国国会共和党参议员约翰·麦凯恩说:“奥巴马总统在哪里呢?他曾说过,他拒绝接受残酷的暴君能够屠杀他们的人民而不受惩罚的情况,而现在有史以来世界上最强大的国家正在袖手旁观。 ”

The Republican senator has long advocated establishing a no-fly zone over Syria and arming rebel groups not linked to al-Qaida.


“It is true that our options to help end the conflict in Syria were never good, and they are certainly worse and fewer now.  But no one should believe we are without options even now,” said McCain.

约翰·麦凯恩参议员说:“确实,我们帮助结束叙利亚冲突的选项从来都不好,现在的选项肯定更差而且更少了。但是,即使现在,没有人应该认为我们没有选项了。 ”

White House spokesman Jay Carney responded to the senator's comments.


“I am not sure what exactly he is advocating; if he is advocating a U.S. invasion of Syria? I do not know. Is he advocating a bombing campaign?” – asked Carney.

卡尼说: “我不知道他究竟在主张什么,他是不是在主张美国入侵叙利亚?我不知道。”

The administration has ruled out deployment of U.S. troops on the ground in Syria.



Carney said diplomacy remains the best hope for peace in Syria, stressing that the Obama administration will hold the Assad government responsible for what he termed “the brutality it has inflicted on the Syrian people.”

