名校励志英语演讲 76:追随自己的心声,你们一定会成功(在线收听

   And when the severely injured soldier— what we did was we went and found one of the soldiers who had recived a dog and brought him back to the prison so that he could meet the prisoners— who trained the dog. And when they met, I tell you, the audience and I were a puddle of tears. And what I learned from that I want to share with you, graduates. If youcan find a way to give back just as these felons are giving from behind bars, you will be a huge success, because for sure one of the things I've learned is that the best way to enhance your own life is to contribute to somebody else's.

  Now, last year we did a story on a woman named Monica George, and people often ask, you know,"Who's your favorite guest, who's your favorite guest," and they always expect me to name some movie star. Well, if it's a movie star, it would be Hugh Jackman. He is one of my favorite guest, and you can imagine why.
  But my favorite guests are, for the most part, not celebrities and not people who've done famous or infamous things. My most favorite guests are ordinary people who've accomplished extrordinary triumphs in her life, and Monica George is one of those people I will never forget. She and her husband, Tony, were overjoyed at the C-section birth of a healthy baby girl named Sophie and Sophie was their second daughter. This was just last year.
  Hugh Jackman
  休·杰克曼,英文:Hugh Jackman,1968年10月12日出生。他是澳大利亚演员,在电影《范海辛》饰演一脸胡渣粗犷扮相的吸血鬼猎人受到了大众的赏识,更因饰演《X战警》系列中的‘金钢狼’而闻名,成为影坛超级巨星和帅酷型男,在美国畅销书杂志 “people” 中荣膺“全国最性感男士”称号。