访谈录 2014-02-07&02-10 普京表示索契冬奥增进与世界交流(在线收听

 George, as we mentioned, he is in Souqi at this hour, where he just sat down with Russian President Fradmir Putin for his exclusive interview just three week now  before the winter Olympics.

Jush,I just finished this interview with President Putin.It's the first interview in the American broadcast in years. It's all part of his personal who said they showed this winter Olympics are successful and safe. In number 1 chanlleage its security in this entire region is unlocked down right now and Putin is very confident. The terrorists are not gonna succeed in striking here. He was also dismiss the variegation of corruption here and absolutely defy it.
When he came to the issue game rights and the international protest including United States against the entire game proper gender law are here in Russia right now, he was confident, as I said, he was yet opened up about his hopes for the Olympics on his personal. 
Framir regime we also had the chance to talk about, it was stolling so we recovered a lot of ground with Russian President today just a couple of weeks before these Olympics are set open here in searching, and I should say, the snow here is good news are being some concern that there wasn't gonna be enough snow for the only taken place in this relatively warm climate in Souqi, but it's been snowing on and off all day here in Souqi and that was good new to President Putin as well. We can see the first part each of nade and we will moves then follow up with all the rest Sunday on this week.