美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-02-08(在线收听

 First of all, I’m going to identify our shooter as Darion D-A-R-I-O-N Marcus M-A-R-C-U-S Aguilar A-G-U-I-L-A-R. He is a 19 years old. Took us a while to identify him as you know we were concerned about when our initial officers came upon him, seeing a lot of ammunitions on him. We were concerned about whether he had been re-trapped himself. We do not have any, we have not been able to verify any type relationship at this point between him and other our victims. We can’t establish that there is one. We haven’t established that there is not one. That is an open question. We know that is an important piece of information our communities interested in. but we just don’t know that. We’re working to find that out now.
