美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-02-16(在线收听

 Areas of the south-central U.S. are dealing with yet another dangerous winter storm. In Texas, ice caused a 20-car pileup. And at least 4 people died in traffic accidents overnight. The storm is expected to produce similar conditions on the East Coast Wednesday.

NBC News says former anchorman Tom Brokaw has cancer. The network released a statement saying the long time newscaster was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer that affects the bone marrow.
A history-making start to day four of the Sochi Olympics. Swiss skier Dominique Gisin and Solvenia's Tina Maze taking home the first ever gold medal tie in the women's alpine skiing.
And America's top dog is Sky the wire fox terrier. Judges naming him best in show at the 138th Westminster Kennel Club on Tuesday night. It's the 14th time a wire fox terrier has won at the nation's top dog show.
Robert Bumsted, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.