美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-02-17(在线收听

 1. An ice storm gripped the winter-wary South Wednesday, knocking out power of hundreds thousands people over a wide swath of the region.  Forecasters are warning the worst of potentially "catastrophic" storm is yet to come that moves up to the east coast to Wednesday night and to Thursday. 

2. A federal jury has convicted former New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin on charges he accepted bribe , free trip and other favors from contractors in exchange for  millions of dollars in city work while he was in office. Nagin  could face decades in prison. No sentencing data has been set.  
3. American Kaitlyn Farrington captured gold in the woman's Olympic snowboarding Halfpipe final Wednesday, edging out the defending champion Torah Bright and US teammate Kelly Clark for the title. The victory gave US just its third gold medal of the games.