美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-02-02(在线收听

 First up today, security in Sochi, the 2014 winter Olympics begins there on February 7, Russian president Putin says his country will do everything possible to keep the game safe and protect visitors to Sochi. 40K Russian police and security forces will be guarding the events. International officials are concerned about possible terrorism as along Millitan has threaten to attack the games. Russian police have handed out flies of a woman. They say May now be in Sochi and maybe planing an attack. In XXX in Russia, about 400 miles east of Sochi, police has been hunting suspected militans. Over the past few days, they said they killed several people with suspected ties to terrorists. Meanwhile, the US is putting at least one warship in several transport aircraft on standby, in case if an attack happens. It's making plans to get Americans out if Russia asks for help. 

Our next story today begins in 2004, that's where the European space agency launched the unmanned spacecraft named Ruzandar. Its mission which costs about 1.7 billion dollars: find a common, land on it, send back loads of info about what it was like, but it has been sleeping for a couple of years now. A plan of part of its journey, a mission control in Germany was on pins and needles during Ruzandar's wake-up call. 
Cheers rang out of the mission control as European spacecraft Ruzandar signals from 500 million miles away. That is a wake after its two and a half years hibernation. The reason for the deep sleep? just like humans, the spacecraft need to recharge its batteries.  Now we got it back, Now it's up to us to drive to the commons. For nearly 10 years, Ruzandar has been chasing a common through space, hopping to one day to land on the surface for scientific research and capturing some incredible images along the way. Like this one is over the surface of Mars and this showing the moon rising over the pacific ocean. Scientists have been in waked up call of Ruzandar early Monday, then waited and waited for word that the integrated electrical rings was again up running. Finally, a tweet from the space, simply Hello word. I think it's a longest hour of my life. The stage is now set for what promises to be historical space like life event. Just a beginning, you know without today, without the wake-up, we wouldn't have a mission at all. Ruzandar will now scale-up common for the perfect place to land before sending a probe to touch down on the common's surface in November. A probe, a type of portable laboratory will map, drill and analyze samples as it travels with the commons on the trip around the Sun. Being of the results back to earth. The back is going to be a great eventual life for everybody and returns fantastic science about the origins of our own solar systems and potentially origin of life on this planets. 
As far as forks in the Northern and eastern of US are concerned, the life is cold. the national weather service says this part of country is in the ice spot. 3-4 inches of snow is expected yesterday from the Virginia to Massachusetts. The federal government told many of its Washington DC employees: stay home. There is a major impact in airports too with thousands of flights cancelled, but in Ohio, there is a state of emergency, More than 10% of people who live there using propane tanks or heating oil to keep their homes warm. The icy weather coincides with the wear shortage of both. The state of emergency will allow trucks to carry the fuels to work longer hours. Out West, a very different kind of emergency in California, a drawn the worst ever recorded there has dried out lakes and reservoirs, worsen than the wild fires and killed out crops. 