
  Meanwhile, Sherlock was very angry with Antonio because one of Antonio's friends and Sherlock's daughter were in love with each other and they had ran away with some of Sherlock's money and Jewels.
  Sherlock was furious,but Sherlock was very pleased when he heard that Antonio's ships were lost at seabecause he believe that he would be able to kill Antonio.
  Though some of Antonio's friends asked Sherlock to forgive Antonio,Sherlock would not listen to them.
  The trial was to begin under the derision of the dump of Venice.
  Barshanio and Vercanio had arrived in Venice.Antonio and sherlock were brought before the dump.He asked Sherlock to be merciful to Antonio and not to take a proud of Antonio's flesh. But sherlock was not agree and said:"If you change the law for Antonio,no one will take notes of your laws, then we will all lose our freedom.''Barshanio offered to pay him twice much money as Antonio borrowed,but Sherlock would not listen to him."The laws of Venice allows me to have a proud of Antonio's flesh. I will rather have Antonio's flesh than money.''said Sherlock.The dupe were at the laws, but the dupe had sent a famous judge to advice him about this trial.
  The judge was Posha 's cousin. so the dupe decided to wait for him.Just then,a clerk came in to the door with a letter.The letter was from that famous Judge.The clerk was really Nervisa,She was dressed as a young man.The dupe read the letter she had brought her:"I am ill and i can't come to you.So i am sending a good Judge to you in my place.Although he is very young, I have never met such a learned Judge.
  This young judge was really Posha dressed as a man. Then Posha interred the door.She was dressed so well that Barshanio didn't know that this was his wife.
  Posha turned to Sherlock and asked:"Is your name Sherlock?''"My name is Sherlock''"Then''said Posha:''
  Why aren't you merciful to Antonio?''"Why must I have mercy?I need not have mercy on him.''answered Sherlock." Mercy falls like the Gentle rains from heaven.It represents not only the man who gives it,but also the man who receives it.God has mercy, so we pray to god for mercy.We should show mercy to others.''
  "I only asked a proud of flesh,I want to receive what is own to me.''replied Sherlock."I can pay ten time as much money as he wants,please change the law a little and save Antonio's life.''Barsanio bagged the young judge in all sensory."No'' said posha ,"We are never able to change the law.If we do so, other men will want to change other laws later.''Sherlock was very pleased when he heard this answer."Oh ,wise Judge'' he cried.Then Posha asked Sherlock to show her the bond that they have signed.
  Sherlock gave for the paper.She read it and said she could not help quiting Sherlock's plan.
  Then Posha turned to Antonio to told him to bear his chest.
  Sherlock was really to kill Antonio."Do you have anything to say,Antonio?''asked Posha."Good bye, barshanio''said Antonio."Please don't be sad for me.Tell your wife about me and how much I love you.""I love you more than my own life and more than my wife, I will give anything if can save your life''
  said Barshanio.
  "Hurry up,Antonio''cried Sherlock,"Prepare yourself.""Now you may cut out a proud of flesh from Antonio's breast''said Posha to Sherlock.
