
  Now Posha also thought that she was teased Vatanio and her husband. She said to Vatanio: you promised Nuisa that you will always gird the ring that she give you. That is why you were wrong to give it away. My husband also promised me never to lose the ring I gave him. I am sure he will never give it away. Vertanio replied Bashanio was first to give his ring to the young judge who ask for it. And then I also give my ring to the judge’s clerk who wanted it. Posha pretended to be angry when she heard this. She said, both of you have broken your promises. We would like you to take back the rings from them. If not we will never love you. Barshanio felt very sorry to hear that. I wanted to express my thanks to the judge said Barshanio, So I first offer him 3000 decks but he will not accept the money and asked for my ring. He was the judge who save Antonio’s life. What else could I have done? This is why I give it to him. But Posha still pretended to be angry. Then Antonio turned to Posha and said: I beg you to forgive him. You have no against your husband. The blame should be on me. You know he is the last man to break his promise. Don’t take it so seriously. Said Posha to Antonio. Then she took a ring out of her bag and said. Give him this ring and tell him to keep it more carefully than any other thing. Antonio handed it to Barshanio. He was very astonished to see the ring which was handed to him. He cried this is the same ring that I gave to the wise young judge. Then Posha told him about what she have done. So Barshanio the wise young judge was really Posha, and Niuisa had disguised as the young judge’s clerk. He realized clearly that his own wife has not only wisdom but courage. What is better still, good news was brought to Antonio. The news came that Antonio’s ships with all his goods have just returned safely to Venice, and Antonio became a rich merchant again.
