Hourly News 每日新闻 Hourly News 2013-12-06(在线收听

 Mandela dies

South African President Jacob Zuma has just announced Nelson Mandela, South Africa's anti-apartheid icon, has died at the age of 95.
Zuma made the announcement naming Mandela, who led the country out of decades of apartheid after 27 years in prison, both the nation's greatest son and father.
He says Mandela has "departed" and is now at peace.
Mandela served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.
The former president has suffered from health issues throughout the past year including recurring lung infections which landed him in the hospital several times.
Mandela was released from hospital in early September following an 85-day stay, the lung infections a result of his longtime imprisonment during the apartheid times.
Mandela will receive a state funeral.
China, Ukraine leaders meet in Beijing
Chinese President Xi Jinping has held talks with his Ukrainian counterpart Viktor Yanukovych in Beijing.
The two leaders have agreed on a five-year plan to enhance the strategic partnership between China and Ukraine following their meeting.
The two sides have particularly pledged to carry out close cooperation when it comes to infrastructure construction as well as the industrial and resources sector.
On the political front, Xi Jinping and Yanukovych have promised to support each other on major issues regarding national sovereignty and the "development path of their own choice".
Meantime, Yanukovych has taken time to pay a visit to China Radio International for a ceremony marking the opening of CRI's Ukrainian language online radio.
The ceremony also marks the fifth anniversary of CRI's Ukrainian language website, the only such media in China.
China urges U.S. to respect ADIZ
US Vice President Joe Biden has wrapped up his two-day visit here in China.
He has met with Chinese President Xi Jinping when he arrived here Wednesday.
The two has pledged to enhance bilateral ties and dialogues on international issues.
He also met with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and his Chinese counterpart Li Yuanchao.
After the meetings, China's Foreign Ministry issued a statement, urging the United States to respect its establishment of the Air Defense Identification Zone over the East China Sea.
The remark was made following media reports said visiting Biden conveyed Washington's "deep concerns" over the defense zone.
The Chinese side says the zone is designed to reduce the risk of misunderstandings, and stressed there has been no issues with freedom of flight for civilian airlines.
Security Council approves increased military action in CAR
The UN Security Council has authorized increased military action by French and African troops in the Central African Republican after scores were killed in Muslim-Christian violence. 
The Council unanimously approved a French-sponsored resolution amid reports that 100 people were killed in sectarian clashes in the country's capital Bangui.
French President Francois Hollande says France will double the number of troops in the CAR, a former French colony.
France promised last week to send 1-thousand troops to the country.
Meanwhile, the resolution also authorizes the deployment of an African Union-led force for a year to protect civilians and restore security.
52 killed in Yemeni defense ministry attack
At least 52 people have been killed and 167 others injured after 12 gunmen stormed the Yemeni defense ministry in the capital Sanaa.
The massive bombings damaged three buildings in the ministry compound and set 10 military vehicles on fire.
At least six foreign medical staff members are among the dead.
The al-Qaida group has claimed responsibility for the attack.
It is the worst single attack to hit the country in 18 months as Yemeni security forces continue to fight regional rebels and al-Qaida militants.
Bitcoin price dive after China warning
Chinese authorities have warned the country's financial and payment institutions should not accept Bitcoin as legal tender due to the digital currency's risks.
Within one hour following the warning, the price per Bitcoin plunged by as much as 35 percent at BTC China, the main Bitcoin trading platform in the country. 
The warning was issued by the People's Bank of China, China's central bank, and four ministerial departments.
The warning said Bitcoins are not issued by any monetary authorities and do not contain the currency function of being legal tender with a government decree. 
They do not have the same legal status as fiat currencies, and should not be circulated in the market. 
The warning, however, admitted Chinese people can make Bitcoin transactions at their own risk on the Internet.
Toddler in stable condition after falling from high-rise building
A one-year-old boy is in temporarily stable condition after being beaten by a 10-year-old girl and allegedly falling from the 25th floor in southwest China's city of Chongqing.
Doctors say the boy has regained consciousness after medical treatment and will undergo operation soon.
Video footage taken by security cameras show a 10-year-old girl throwing the boy to the floor and kicking him several times inside an elevator. 
The boy was later found in an alley near the building.
The motive behind the girl's actions is still unclear.