Hourly News 每日新闻 Hourly News 2013-12-07(在线收听

 Chinese VP mourns death of Mandela

Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao on Friday went to the South African Embassy in Beijing to mourn the death of the country's former president, Nelson Mandela.
Stressing that Mandela had made great contributions to the establishment and development of friendly cooperation between China and South Africa, Li Yuan said his unfortunate death had led Chinese people to lose a close friend. 
He expressed deep condolences on behalf of the Chinese government and Chinese people. 
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei says a Chinese leader will attend the ceremonies arranged by South Africa to mourn the passing of Mandela. 
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang have sent messages of condolence to South African President Jacob Zuma to express their heartfelt sympathies.
Chinese president meets French PM
Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault in Beijing and pledged to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.
Xi Jinping said the two sides should continue to respect each other's core interests and major concerns, increase communication, and appropriately address disputes to make the bilateral relationship even more stable and lead it to a new high. 
Ayrault is in Beijing for a five-day official visit to China, which comes as the two countries are set to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations next year.
China urges Australia to nurture, not to undermine mutual trust
China has expressed strong dissatisfaction with Australia's statement over the establishment of the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), urging for proper handling of sensitive issues.
Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who co-chaired the first China-Australia diplomatic and strategic dialogue with visiting Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop in Beijing, said the recent remarks made by the Australian side on the East China Sea ADIZ undermined the mutual trust and cast shadow on the healthy development of bilateral ties.
He said China hopes the Australian side can properly handle sensitive issues from a strategic and long-term perspective.
China and ROK communicate over ADIZ
China's Foreign Ministry has issued a new statement, saying the country has maintained communication with South Korea on the East China Sea air defense identification zone.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei says the defense zone is not part of a country's territorial airspace and has nothing to do with the administrative rights over the sea and airspace. 
His comments come after South Korea announced its plans to enlarge its own air defense identification zone.
Hong Lei says China hopes South Korea's move should be in line with its national laws and international norms. 
He also refutes comments from the Japanese government which urges China to revoke the newly-established defence zone.
Japan Diet passes controversial secrecy law amid opposition
The House of Councillors of Japan has passed a controversial secrecy law claimed to prevent leaks of state secrets. 
The law, which enables government officials, rather than legal systems in Japan, to determine what constitutes a state secret under categories from defense to diplomacy, terrorism and espionage, has met strong opposition both from the political circle and the public. 
The opposition parties were worried that it would grant the government too much autonomy to limit or block information deemed sensitive, while boosting Tokyo's ability to share secrets with its allies like the United States on issues of diplomacy, defense and the state's involvement in counter-terrorism and counterespionage activities.
Park, Biden agree to join hands to denuclearize DPRK
South Korean President Park Geun-hye and visiting U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden have agreed to join hands to denuclearize North Korea.
The two leaders have agreed to make further efforts to achieve "substantive progress" in dismantling the North's nuclear program.
They also pledged firm deterrence against possible nuclear and missile threats from Pyongyang.
Thai PM cancels overseas trips due to unrest
Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has cancelled three preplanned overseas trips this month due to the country's political crisis.
She was scheduled to visit Russia, attend the South East Asian Games opening ceremony in Myanmar and an ASEAN-Japan summit in Tokyo.
Chang'e-3 enters lunar orbit
China's Chang'e-3 probe has entered a circular lunar orbit , after about 110 hours on a Earth-Moon transfer orbit. 
The braking is important otherwise Chang'e-3 would have escapes from the Moon, or crashed into it.
The probe was launched Monday from southwest China's Xichang Satellite Center. 
It should soft-land on the Moon in the middle of this month.
HK confirms 2nd human case of H7N9 bird flu: media
Hong Kong has confirmed its second case of H7N9 bird flu.
The infected is an 80-year-old man who has since been hospitalised. 
The patient is said to be in stable condition.
He is a long-term resident in the mainland and he is said to have contact with poultry during his stay there.