Hourly News 每日新闻 Hourly News 2013-12-08(在线收听

 China's top legislature rejects Japanese resolution on ADIZ

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress says China's top legislature firmly opposes a Japanese resolution on China's East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ).
The committee says in a statement the Japanese side has no right to make irresponsible remarks on China's establishment of the ADIZ, stressing that the NPC is resolutely opposed to the Japan's so-called resolution. 
It says China's establishment of the ADIZ is reasonable, legitimate and in line with international law and practice.
China has always been firmly opposed to and never recognized Japan's unauthorized action to include the Diaoyu Islands into Japan's so-called air defense identification zone.
The statement says the root cause of the current tensions in the East China Sea is in Japan. It urges Japan to cut off all provocative words and deeds and to make concrete efforts for the improvement of China-Japan relations as well as peace of the East China Sea and its airspace.
Preparations in full swing for Mandela's funeral: government
The South African government has announced that preparations are in full swing for the funeral of former president Nelson Mandela. 
A government official says among the arrangements, Mandela's body is being prepared by the Military Health Service of the South African National Defense Force to lie in state at the Union Buildings from Dec. 11 to 13.
Work is also underway at critical venues to prepare for the events related to the State Funeral, scheduled for Dec. 15.
He said the government reiterates the call by President Jacob Zuma for the nation to use Dec. 8 as a national day of prayer and reflection in places of worship, homes and communities to celebrate the life of Mandela and the legacy he has left. 
On Dec. 15, a funeral service and interment ceremony will take place at Mandela's home and final resting place at Qunu in the Eastern Cape.
Historic trade package sealed at WTO Bali meeting
The 159-member World Trade Organization (WTO) has reached a breakthrough in its multilateral trade negotiation by sealing its first-ever trade package at its ninth ministerial meeting after four Latin American countries gave up rejection to the package. 
Gita Wirjawan, chairman of the ministerial conference and Indonesia's trade minister, announced the adoption of a ministerial declaration and "the full Bali package" at the closing ceremony, which marked a historic progress for the 12-year-long Doha Round trade talk.
Haze continues to shroud east, north China
Heavy haze still shrouded north and east China on Saturday, with highways closed and flights delayed or canceled.
The smoggy weather affected a large swathe of the country's land from north to south with visibility less than 50 meters in some regions. 
Cities like Shanghai and Nanjing have been enveloped in the grey sky for the past several days. Many pedestrians had to wear masks. 
Beijing saw smog on Saturday. Local meteorological authorities forecast a cold front will reach Beijing on Sunday afternoon, which will quickly improve the air quality. 
Thanks to a strong cold front, the air quality in north China and east China's Yangtze Delta area will significantly improve between Sunday and Wednesday next week.
China enhances trade finance supervision
China's forex regulator says it will intensify supervision on commercial banks' trade finance businesses to curb fake financing activities and prevent abnormal cross-border forex movement.
The State Administration of Foreign Exchange says in a statement that its local branches should urge banks to enhance authenticity and compliance examinations for their trade finances. 
It says banks should actively support authentic trade finance demands by the real economy, but prevent companies from getting trade finance by making up trade backgrounds.
Vice Premier calls for further development of Confucius Institute
China's vice premier Liu Yandong has called for further development of the Confucius Institute to promote cross-border cultural exchanges during an annual conference of the institute.
Liu Yandong, who is also president of the Confucius Institute Headquarters council, attended the opening ceremony of the eighth conference of the institute on Saturday, and presented awards for excellent individuals and organizations. 
In an address at the ceremony, Liu Yandong called for cooperation through the platform, and urged it to show the world the real picture of China and promote inclusiveness and mutual understanding of different civilizations.
Int'l dialogue on Chinese Dream held in Shanghai
An Int'l dialogue on Chinese Dream is being held in Shanghai. 
While delivering a keynote speech at the International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream, Cai Mingzhao, director of China's State Council Information Office said the realization of the Chinese Dream for the country's population of 1.3 billion will be a great event in human history.
He said it will put a new face on China and make a fresh and greater contribution to mankind.
The Chinese Dream concept was put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping when he attended an exhibition themed "road towards renewal" at the end of 2012.