Hourly News 每日新闻 Hourly News 2013-12-09(在线收听

 South Korea decides to expand air defense zone southwards

South Korea has announced a southward expansion of its air defense identification zone, encompassing submerged rocks within the overlapping exclusive economic zones of China and South Korea.
The South Korean defense ministry says the new zone includes the nation's two southernmost islands of Marado and Hongdo as well as the Suyan Rock.
The Suyan Rock is a submerged reef within the overlapping Exclusive Economic Zone of China and South Korea.
North Korean leader's uncle Jang Song-thaek removed from office: KCNA
North Korea's official news agency KCNA is reporting senior official Jang Song-thaek has been removed from all posts and expelled from the Workers' Party of Korea.
The reports say Jang is accused of committing "anti-Party and counterrevolutionary crimes".
Reports suggest Jang escaped Pyongyan 2 months ago.
Jang Song-thaek is the uncle-in-law of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and often referred to as number two in the country's political hierarchy.
Chinese VP to attend Mandela's Johannesburg memorial service
It's been confirmed Chinese vice President Li Yuanchao is set to attend the memorial service of former South African President Nelson Mandela.
Other state leaders attending Tuesday's memorial in Johannesburg include US President Barack Obama, French President Francois Hollande and UK Prime Minister David Cameron.
After the memorial, Mandela's body will lie in state at the Union Buildings in Pretoria for three days.
A state funeral is set to be held in Mandela's home and final resting place at Qunu in the Eastern Cape on Sunday.
China, Thailand hold antiterrorism training
Special forces in China and Thailand are set to hold a half-month long joint antiterrorism training in Thailand.
Code-named "Strike-2013", this is their fourth antiterror training since 2007.
China's Defense Ministry says the two sides will "explore new ways" of anti-terrorism tactics.
Iran and the world (BJH heads) Yang Jiechi meets Iran's Rouhani
Chinese State Counselor Yang Jiechi has met with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Teheran.
Yang Jiechi says the Chinese side respects Iran's rights on using nuclear power for peaceful purposes.
Yang says he hopes Iran maintains the momentum of the P5+1 talks to push forward the peaceful solution of the Iranian nuclear issues.
For his part, Rouhani says the Iranian government appreciates the Chinese side's efforts in the P5+1 talks.
Israeli president says willing to meet Iran's Rouhani
Israeli President Shimon Peres says he is willing to meet Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.
Peres says they "don't consider Rouhani as an enemy" adding "enemies are not a matter of people but a matter of policy."
Israel is widely believed to consider Iran its sworn enemy.
The country has been lobbying for military action against Iran's nuclear facilities.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said the recent agreement between Iran and the P5+1 group is a "historic mistake".
Rioters set cars on fire in Singapore's Little India
A mob of mostly foreign workers have set an ambulance and a traffic police patrol car on fire in an ethnic neighborhood of Singapore.
Local reports say the rare ethnic riot in the ordered city state was triggered by the death of a South Asian worker who was hit by a bus.
Several other police cars are said to have been overturned.
Police have arrested 27 people connected to the riot.
Yingluck proposes referendum
Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has proposed a referendum and promised to resign if her people call for it.
Yingluck made the announcement as anti-government protesters prepared for a final push to force her from power.
Protesters have been on the streets of the capital for weeks vowing to oust Yingluck and to curb the influence of her brother, former Prime Minister Thaksin.
Highway pile-up kills 8 in southwest China
A highway pile-up in southwest China's Sichuan has killed at least eight people and injured six others.
The accident took place after a large truck smashed into vehicles stopped in traffic, causing a 19-car pile-up.
All the injured have been hospitalized.
China bans wild animals from official dinner tables
Central authorities in China have rolled out a regulation explicitly banning dishes containing shark fins, bird nests and wild animal products in official reception dinners.
The new regulations have been issued by the general offices of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.
Shark fins, bird nests and rare wild animals are popular aspects of luxury dinners in China.
It is another move in the central government's anti-extravagance campaign.
Ruble and RMB on par in first pilot zone
Central authorities here in China have authorized Suifenhe City at the China-Russia border as the country's first pilot zone where the ruble can function equally as the renminbi.
Under the new policy, the ruble can be freely deposited and withdrawn at local banks. 
People can pay their bills with rubles in Suifenhe in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province.
It is the first time a foreign currency has been allowed to function on par with renminbi in a designated area on the Chinese mainland.