Hourly News 每日新闻 2013-12-18(在线收听

 China urges Japan to stick to peaceful development

The Chinese government has released a new statement, calling on Japan to take the path of peaceful development.
The comment comes after the Japanese cabinet approved a new defense policy package to further expand its military.
Japan's newly approved defense package includes a 5-year defense buildup plan that envisions a 5-percent increase in military spending.
Tokyo is also seeking a more "proactive" security role for its Self-Defense Forces abroad.
The Chinese government says Asian countries, including China, have to be highly watchful and alert about Japan's actions, given Japan's past.
Chinese ambassador attends Kim Jong-il memorials
Chinese foreign ministry says China's ambassador to North Korea has attended a ceremony marking the second anniversary of the death of late country leader Kim Jong Il.
Thousands of high-level officials have attended a ceremony in Pyongyang to remember the late leader.
The event has seen North Korea's political and military elite publicly pledge their loyalty to current leader Kim Jong-un.
The memorial event comes just days after the execution of Jang Song-thaek, Kim Jong Un's uncle-in-law and widely viewed as the country's Number-2 man.
Chinese premier congratulates Merkel on reelection
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has sent a congratulatory message to German Chancellor Angela Merkel on her reelection.
Merkel has been reelected in a vote in Germany's lower house of parliament for a third term. 
Her coalition government will lead the country for the next four years.
Li Keqiang says he is looking forward to maintaining close cooperation between the two sides.
China sends 9th peacekeeping contingent to Sudan
China has deployed another batch of UN peacekeepers to Sudan.
This is the 9th time China has sent a peacekeeping contingent to the country to join in UN missions.
The 100-member-strong team is being tasked with engineering and medical work.
China now has almost 2-thousand troops around the world in 10 UN peacekeeping missions.
Guangzhou Evergrande's Club World Cup campaign ended with a 3-0 defeat to Bayern Munich
From the Club World Cup in Morocco,
European champions Bayern Munich closed in on its fifth trophy of 2013 by beating China's Guangzhou Evergrande 3-0 to reach the Club World Cup final.
Bayern will next face the winner between Atletico Mineiro of Brazil and Moroccan champion Raja Casablanca in Saturday's final.
India downgrades U.S. diplomatic privileges after arrest of diplomat
India has downgraded U.S. diplomatic privileges after the arrest of an Indian diplomat by U.S. authorities in New York last week.
India has started stripping U.S diplomats and their families of privileges including the ability to withdraw all airport passes and has stopped import clearances for the U.S. Embassy.
New Delhi police also removed barricades from outside the U.S. Embassy which were set up as a safety measure. 
Devyani Khobragade, India's deputy consul general in New York, was charged last week with making false statements and visa fraud to obtain a work visa for her housekeeper.
If convicted, Khobragade faces a maximum sentence of 10 years for visa fraud and five years for making a false declaration.
Russia to buy Ukraine bonds
Russian President Vladimir Putin says Moscow will buy 15 billion US dollars' worth of Ukrainian government bonds and sharply cut the price of natural gas for Ukraine.
The announcement comes after Putin held talks in Moscow with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych who is facing massive protests for his decision to halt a trade pact with the EU.
Ukraine, with a heavy 134-billion-U.S. dollar external debt, is struggling to keep its economy going.
The country also serves as a key conduit for Russian natural gas exports to Europe.
Clashes renew in South Sudan amid arrests of top officials
Gunfire has erupted again in South Sudan's capital Juba, a day after security authorities launched wide-range arrests among senior political leaders.
Heavy gunfire was reported inside the general military command on Tuesday.
The clash came after the President Salva Kiir said the security forces had arrested 10 senior political figures over "attempted coup" by the former vice president Riek Machar.
Earlier, Kiir imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew after 26 people were killed after violent clashes erupted in Juba on Sunday.
Former Vice President Machar was sacked by Kiir in July.
The two men, who are from different ethnic groups which have clashed in the past, have long been political rivals.
63,000 captured in anti-drug campaign
China's Ministry of Public Security says Chinese police have captured 63-thousand suspects in its latest anti-drug campaign.
Police have also seized over 18 tons of drugs including heroin and methamphetamine.
The ministry also says eight police officers have been killed and another 18 injured in the operations.
China Mobile makes quick 4G inroads
China Mobile has signed agreements with 10 mobile phone manufacturers and retailers, their latest foray into the fledgling 4G market.
The agreements saw China Mobile join with domestic manufacturers such as Lenovo, Xiaomi, and Oppo, as well as retailers and online platforms including Jing Dong, TMall, Suning, and Gome.
The deals are expected to speed up sales of 4G mobile phones.
Egyptian TV to air popular Chinese drama for first time
Egyptian state television is set to air a popular Chinese soap opera.
Chinese Ambassador to Egypt Song Aiguo says it will be a first in Egypt. 
'Jin Tailang's Happy Life', which has been dubbed in Arabic, is part of a media cooperation protocol between China and Egypt.