
   The man responsible for creating the music for the film that first inspired these dancers is composer Lalo Schifrin.

  第一个激发这些舞者的是,电影配乐的作曲者Lalo Schifirn。
  As well as Enter The Dragon,he received six Oscar nominations for classics such as Mission Impossible, Cool Hand Luke, Bullitt, and Dirty Harry.
  除了"龙争虎斗",他共获得了6次奥斯卡提名,包括"碟中谍" "铁窗喋血" "警网铁金刚"和"警探哈里"。
  He believes there are parallels between how he approaches composing and how Bruce Lee approached his own martial art.
  He said to me, "martial arts started in India 5,000 years ago,and there were traditions, so I broke the traditions."
  他说跟我说 "武术起源于五千年前的印度,有些套路 而我打破了这些套路"。
  And I said, "you know something?
  我说 "知道吗?
  We have something in common,because 2,000 years of tradition of European classical music, I learned it.I studied too.And I broke the rules.I broke the traditions.We got something in common."and he was very happy.
  The sound track to Enter The Dragon sold more than half a million copies,
  earning Lalo Schifrin a gold record.
  为Lalo Schifrin赢得了金唱片记录
  It also went on to inspire Hollywood director Brett Ratner,who vowed to use Lalo for his first film after hearing the sound track.
  好莱坞导演Brett Ratner也受此影响,听过原声带后 许愿在他的第一部电影中用Lalo的音乐。
  I had the idea of working with Lalo because of the theme of Enter The Dragon,the way that he put Bruce's voice and his... his yelling.
  我想和Lalo合作 是因为"龙争虎斗"的主题曲,他将李小龙的声音和... 叫声放到音乐中。
  The mixture between the Chinese instrumentations and the urban cool grooves,which if you think about it,it's like Asian music and kind of black urban music combined to make that theme,and that's really what gave me the idea of Rush Hour.