Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-01-07(在线收听

 China blast Abe as being hypocritical

The Chinese government has released a new statement, slamming Japan's prime minister as being hypocritical when talking about improving relations with China.
The remarks come after Shinzo Abe suggested Monday that he would like to set up a meeting with the leaders from China and South Korea.
Abe says he would like the opportunity to explain his motivation behind his recent visit to the Yasakuni shrine.
A spokesperson for the Chinese foreign ministry is accusing Abe of playing a "double-dealers trick" in his approach to ties with China, saying the Chinese people don't like dealing with a leader like that.
Chinese Icebreaker may sheer off within 48 hours
Chinese icebreaker Xuelong has expanded its runway by nearly 80 meters in preparing to sheer through the antarctic pack ice sometime in the next 2-days.
The ship has been trapped in the antarctic after moving in to help rescue over 50-people trapped on a Russian ship.
All the Chinese staff on board the Xuelong are said to be in good condition. 
A change in wind direction is forecast in the following days, which may help the vessel break free.
A U.S icebreaker set off Sunday from Sydney, Australia to help free the Xuelong and the Russian vessel, which has been trapped in the ice since Christmas Day.
The US Coast Guard icebreaker is expected to arrive sometime this weekend.
S.Sudan peace talks to focus on cessation of hostilities, detainees
A coalition of East African countries says the forthcoming mediation talks aimed at ending the conflict in South Sudan are expected to focus on bringing the fighting to and end, along with the status of the detainees.
The government of South Sudan and the Rebels are meeting again for mediation talks later on this Tuesday in Ethiopia.
Both sides have already agreed to the format of the talks.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is also expressing concerns over the unrest in South Sudan.
Wang Yi is currently in Ethiopia as part of his current African tour.
Rebels and the government of South Sudan's forces have been fighting for the last 3-weeks.
The fighting has shifted from initially being political to a tribal conflict.
It's pitting supporters of President Salva Kiir against those loyal to those of ousted former vice-President Riek Machar.
Israeli hospital says Sharon's health deteriorating
The hospital treating former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is warning it will take "a miracle" for his recovery.
Sharon, whose been in a coma the last 8-years, took a turn for the worse last Wednesday after his kidneys began failing.
Doctors treating the 85-year old Sharon say his condition is only expected to get worse day-by-day.
Sharon collapsed into a coma while preparing for elections 8-years ago.
He's never recovered from his stroke.
Merkel injured while skiing in Switzerland
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been forced to cancel a number of meetings after injuring herself while skiing.
Merkel fractured her pelvis while cross-country skiing over the Christmas holiday.
The fracture wasn't diagnosed until this week.
Merkel's doctors say the German Chancellor will have to remain immobile for at least the next 3-weeks while her pelvis mends.
Her injury came just days after fellow German, F1 legend Michael Schumacher, critically injured himself while skiing in the French Alps.
Schumacher himself is said to be in critical, but stable condition, in hospital.
China to set up fully private banks in 2014: CBRC
The central authorities have announced plans for the establishment of 3 to 5 fully-private banks this year in a bid to further open up the banking sector.
The China Banking Regulatory Commission says private capital will be introduced to restructure current banking institutions or set up new ones.
The private banks will have to bear their own risks. 
Strict procedures and standards will be established, including limited licenses, enhanced supervision and a risk measurement system.
The CBRC is trying to relax the threshold for foreign capital to enter the Chinese banking sector and ease the regulations surrounding the use of the Renminbi.
China issues first batch of treasury bonds
The Ministry of Finance has issued a new round of 10-billion yuan worth of 5-year treasury bonds.
This represents the first T-bond issue of the year by the government. 
The interest rate for the bonds is fixed at 4.47 percent. 
Interest will be paid annually.
The principal will be re-paid upon maturity in 2019.
The bonds are being sold on the inter-bank bond market through today.
They'll become tradable this coming Monday.
5 dead, 24 injured in China coach explosion
The death toll from Sunday's coach explosion in Shaanxi has risen to 5.
Around 2-dozen others were hurt in the blast on the outskirts of the provincial capital, Xi'an.
Among the injured, 2 remain in critical condition.
There were 47 people on the bus when the blast went off as the long-distance bus was preparing to pull into the station in Pucheng County, which is on the northeast outskirts of Xi'an.
The cause of the explosion remains unclear.