Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-02-09(在线收听

 Xi hails development of China-Russia ties

Chinese President Xi Jinping says he is "very satisfied" with the fruitful development of China-Russia relations.
He said in the exclusive interview with Rossiya TV aired on Saturday that the bilateral relationship has entered a phase that boasts the most solid foundation, the highest level of mutual trust and the greatest regional and global influence ever . 
Xi Jinping said China-Russia cooperation has so far borne rich fruit, not only promoting the development and prosperity of both countries, but also helping safeguard international justice, stability and peace. 
Referring to his latest meeting with Russian president Putin on Thursday, Xi Jinping said the two sides agreed to unswervingly support each other on issues concerning their core interests and turn political advantages in their relations into cooperation advantages.
China urges U.S. to drop ADIZ remarks
China on Saturday urged the United States to drop irresponsible remarks on the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) over the East China Sea to avoid detriment to stability in the region.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said it is a legitimate right for China, as a sovereign state, to set up the Air Defense Identification Zone over the East China Sea, adding that the establishment of the ADIZ is in line with international law and norms. 
Hong Lei made the remarks when answering a question on U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's stance about the China ADIZ. 
Hong said the United States, which set up its ADIZ as early as six decades ago, has no right to criticize China's legitimate move. 
China urges the U.S. side to stop making irresponsible remarks so as not to harm regional stability and the China-U.S. relationship.
U.S. rebalancing must contribute to Asia-Pacific peace: FM
China says any policy adjustment by the United States in the Asia-Pacific region must work for regional peace and stability.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said in a statement Saturday It is our hope that U.S. policy adjustment will conform to wishes of countries in the region and contribute to regional peace, stability and development.
He said it is in the common interests of Asia-Pacific countries to maintain regional stability, promote economic growth and deepen regional cooperation. 
Hong Lei's comments came after an official with the U.S. State Department said America will implement its strategy of rebalancing to the Asia-Pacific region and commit itself more to the economy, security, environmental protection and other fields.
Iran says talks with IAEA "constructive"
Iran says the fresh round of negotiations between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on bilateral cooperation was constructive.
An Iranian official says Saturday's talks between Iran and the IAEA in Tehran was "good, constructive and moving forward," and the two sides will continue their "intense" negotiations on Sunday.
China, ROK experts urge protection of "comfort women" documents
Experts from China and South Korea have agreed to strengthen cooperation in protecting documents on "comfort women" and to apply for their registration on the Memory of the World, a UNESCO program to preserve documentary heritage.
They are collecting materials on the "comfort women" issue before making their proposal to the commission. 
Historians estimate that 200,000 women were forced into sexual servitude by Japanese forces during WWII, most from countries invaded by Japan at the time.
Vaccine development progresses as China reports more H7N9 cases
China has reported more human cases of H7N9 after researchers in Shanghai announced preliminary success in developing a vaccine.
The country has so far reported more than 120 human H7N9 cases this year, including over 25 deaths, with Zhejiang and Guangdong being most affected. 
Officials with the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center told Xinhua that their genetically engineered vaccine had passed preliminary animal tests in laboratory mice. 
An official says the vaccine would have to go through a clinical test to prove its effectiveness in protecting humans before being put into use.
China vows to maintain appropriate liquidity
China's central bank says it will apply monetary policy instruments in the coming months to keep liquidity at an appropriate level and achieve reasonable growth in credit and social financing.
In a quarterly monetary policy report, the People's Bank of China says instruments including open market operations, changing the reserve requirement ratio, relending, and rediscounting will be adopted to manage liquidity in the banking system. 
The central bank will also strengthen communication with the market and the public to stabilize expectations and ensure stable performance of the interest rate, according to the report.
China's catering growth at 21-year low
The Chinese catering sector grew only 9 percent year on year last year under the government's frugality campaign, the lowest level in 21 years.
An industry report says High-end dining businesses even reported a drop in revenue, rarely seen in recent years.
The frugality drive is part of efforts of the government to reject extravagance and bureaucracy and fight corruption.