Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-02-19(在线收听

 Iran says immediate comprehensive nuclear agreement unlikely

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has issued a new statement, saying it's unlikely to reach a comprehensive nuclear agreement in this latest round of talks with the world powers in the Austrian capital, Vienna. 
But at the same time, the Iranian side says it is ready to assure the world powers that Iran's nuclear program will never move toward non-peaceful objectives.
Meanwhile, the Chinese government is calling for more diplomacy and confidence in solving the Iranian nuclear issue. 
The Chinese side notes the negotiations are "complicated and sensitive," saying they require the mutual trust of all parties. 
This current round of negotiations is meant to try to find a permanent solution to the issue, as the interim agreement expires after 6-months.
Police storm protest camps in central Kiev
Ukrainian riot police have stormed protest camps in central Kiev after the violent unrest broke out there earlier in the day.
The renewed violence has left at least 13 people dead and dozens of others injured.
Authorities are now clearning Kiev's central Independence Square, dismantling barracades and using tear gas and stun grenades to dispurse the protestors.
The uptick in violence marks the latest wave in clashes in the 3-month political standoff, which began turning violent in mid-January after radical protesters began fighting with police.
Yingluck deliver televised address to farmers
Thailand's anti-corruption body has announced it is filing charges against Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra connected to a rice subsidy scheme.
The scheme has fuelled middle-class opposition to her government.
The Anti-Corruption Commission says it is summoning Yingluck to hear charges against her on February 27th.
Yingluck has suggested the charges against her are politically motivated.
Meanwhile, at least four people have been killed and dozens injured after Thai police began clearing protest sites in Bangkok on Tuesday.
The government has announced that it intends to retake all its besieged buildings this week.
Italy's premier-designate Renzi starts consultations to form new gov't
Italy's new Prime Minister-designated has begun talks in a bid to form a new government.
Matteo Renzi already appears to have won the support of a key center-right party within the Italian parliament.
The 39-year old Renzi is being tasked with creating a coalition government which can survive confidence votes in both houses of the Italian parliament.
Renzi has gained permission to try to form a government after launching an inter-party coup last week which led to the ouster of former Prime Minister Enrico Letta.
Merkel urges EU caution regarding Swiss vote on curbing immigration
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is calling on the European Union to be cautious in its response to a Swiss vote for immigration curbs.
Merkel has made the comments after meeting with Swiss President Didier Burkhalter in Berlin.
Swiss lawmakers narrowly voted earlier this month to introduce immigration quotas for all foreigners, including those from the European Union.
Burkhalter says his government has to respect the outcome of the vote.
Merkel says the EU will have to decide, once the three-year implementation period is up, what action it may or may not take.
U.S. considering retaliation against Venezuela's expulsion of American envoys
The US government says it's now considering its options following the explusion of three of its envoys from Venezuela.
A spokesperson for the US State Department says the US side is considering retaliatory measures under the auspices of the Geneva Convention, which covers diplomatic missions in other countries.
Venezuelan authorities this week announced the explulsion of three American diplomats, accusing them of helping facilitate the student protests which have been taking place in Caracus since last week.
The US side has accused Maduro's government of concocting the allegations against the American diplomats in an attempt to deflect attention away from the problems it faces at home.
Student demonstrations since February 13th, which have been demanding the ouster of President Nicholas Maduro, have already left three dead and over 70-others hurt.
Pakistan's ex-President Musharraf appears in court in high treason case/xinhua
Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has made his first appearance in a special court in Islamabad, to answer to charges of high treason.
The three judges on the court's bench had issued an arrest warrant for Musharraf at the end of January, after the former leader failed to appear in person despite several orders to do so.
Musharraf has spent the last several weeks at a military hospital, apparently being treated for heart trouble.
The former military president was brought in high security from the Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology in the garrison city of Rawalpindi near Islamabad. 
Musharraf is accused of high treason for allegedly abrogating the constitution in 2007, when he imposed emergency rule during a political crisis.
Dongfeng to announce major investment in PSA later today
Chinese automaker Dongfeng Motors is expected to officially announce a major investment in French automaker Peugeot Citroen later on today.
It's being reported Dongfeng, along with the French government, are going to both invest 800-billion euros into PSA.
Under the reported deal, this will give Dongfeng, the French government and the Peugeot family an equal 14-percent stake in the company.
This means the Peugeot family's 200-year old hold on the company has evaporated, as it will no longer have a voting veto.
While officials with Dongfeng have not commented on the reported agreement, trading of Dongfeng's shares was suspended in Hong Kong yesterday pending today's announcement.