Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-03-03(在线收听

 Kunming restores order after deadly terror attack

Officials in Kunming say order has been restored following Saturday's deadly terrorist attack.
The assault by suspected Xinjiang separtists left 29 people dead and over 130-others hurt.
A group of attackers launched an assault on Kunming's main railway station on Saturday evening, randomly attacking passangers waiting for their trains.
Officials in Yunnan's capital say security at the local airport has since been beefed up as a result of the attack.
Operations at the train station have now returned to normal.
UN Security Council slams terrorist attack in southwest China
The UN Security Council has strongly condemned the deadly terrorist attack at the Kunming railway station.
The Security Council statement is urging all countries to "cooperate actively with governments" in fighting terrorism.
UN chief Ban Ki-moon has also condemned the terrorist attack, saying he hopes "those responsible will be brought to justice."
China urges political solution to Ukraine situation
Chinese government has issued a new statement, calling for a peaceful solution to the political upheaval in Ukraine.
A spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry says the Chinese government is "deeply concerned" with the situation, and says it will be closely watching the developments in Ukraine.
The foreign ministry says the Chinese government will always stick to the principle of non-interference in any country's internal affairs, and will respect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
China ready for annual session of top political advisory body: spokesman
The final preparations are underway for this year's session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference or CPPCC.
The session is set to open later on this afternoon at the Great Hall of the People here in Beijing.
CPPCC spokesperson Lyu Xinhua says the secretariat has already received 990 proposals from its members.
Lyu says one of the likely hot-button issues at this year's session will be air pollution.
This comes after severe air pollution shrouded a large swathe of China, including the capital Beijing, for about a week late last month.
The annual session of the national political advisory body is set to last until next Wednesday.
China's aircraft carrier leaves for tests, training
Chinese aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, has left its homeport of Qingdao for tests and training missions.
The journey is the first outing for the Liaoning this year.
The Chinese Navy says the sailing is part of their regular testing of the Liaoning.
The Liaoning is China's only aircraft carrier in operation. 
It was refitted from an unfinished model from the former Soviet Union.
Pakistan suspends airstrikes after Taliban ceasefire
The Pakistani government has announced it is suspending airstrikes against Taliban militants.
The decision comes a day after the governemnt of Pakistan announced a one-month unilateral ceasefire.
Pakistani military forces launched airstrikes on several Taliban positions last month following a number of Taliban attacks and a deadlock in the peace process.
South Sudan's oil production drops by 30 pct
The South Sudanese government says the country's oil production has dropped by nearly 30 percent since late last year.
This comes against the backdrop of the fighting between government forces and rebels.
Rebel militants loyal to former Vice-President Riek Machar are still controlling Bantio, the capital city of Unity state, where 45-thousand barrels are produced a day.
The United Nations estimates the recent fighting in South Sudan has left thousands dead and forced almost 70-thousand others from their homes.
LG Chem CEO mulls building an electric car battery plant in China
LG is reportedly considering building an electric vehicle battery plant here in China.
LG currently supplies electric-car batteries for General Motors' Volt and Renault cars.
LG Chem runs a factory in Nanjing producing small batteries for smartphones and other mobile devices.
The company's general manager says the firm is looking at not only Nanjing, but other sites for the potential factory.
China's Finance Ministry has extended its subsidy program for electric-powered vehicle purchases beyond 2015.
China's Geely buys U.K. electric-car startup
Chinese auto maker Geely has acquired British electric-vehicle startup Emerald Automotive for an undisclosed price tag. 
A spokesperson for Geely says the acquisition should help the company boost its ability to generate "next generation" taxis, including electric taxis. 
Geely has plans to develop new energy vehicles for a London taxi company, but is also looking to engage with taxi fleets in other markets, including China.
Apple plans to launch in-car operating system
Media reports are suggesting Apple is planning to launch its first in-car operating system with Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo. 
Internal sources within the company say an official announcement will be made at the coming week's Geneva Motor Show. 
A number of other manufacturers are expected to incorporate it into their models this year as well.
Lenovo Group Limited : Ashton Kutcher to design Lenovo phones
Actor Ashton Kutcher, who played Steve Jobs in the Jobs biopic, is set to design smartphones for Lenovo. 
The actor and tech investor is designing a line of special-edition phones for Lenovo to be launched later this year.
Lenovo's chief marketing officer says Kutcher will focus on creating a unique user experience.
He won't work on the device's hardware.
Ashton Kutcher teamed up with Lenovo last year to launch the firm's Yoga Tablet line.
Roger Federer claims record sixth title at Dubai Championships
Roger Federer has claimed his sixth crown at the Dubai Championships after beating Tomas Berdych in the final over the weekend. 
The Swiss player had a big win over Novak Djokovic in the semifinals but played a shaky first set in the final matchup. 
He regained momentum in the second, and defeated third-seeded Berdych 3-6, 6-4, 6-3.