Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-03-08(在线收听

 China opposes U.S. lawmakers' meeting with Dalai

China's Foreign Ministry has released a new statement, voicing firm opposition to some United States lawmakers' meeting with Dalai Lama.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang says the U.S. Congress should honor its commitment that recognizes Tibet as part of China and does not support so-called 'Tibetan independence.'
He urges the U.S. Congress to stop interfering in China's internal affairs via the Tibet issue, and to stop conniving with or even supporting the anti-China secessionist activities conducted by some "Tibet independence" forces.
Dalai met with U.S. President Barack Obama last month.
He has returned to Washington to deliver the customary prayer that opens each Senate session on Thursday.
He then met with some US congressional leaders and top senators.
China, ASEAN to have talks on South China Sea
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang says China is willing to work with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to formulate a code of conduct for the South China Sea.
Qin's comment came ahead of the 10th joint working group meeting between China and ASEAN on the implementation of the declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea. 
The meeting will be held later this month in Singapore, and will touch upon practical maritime cooperation . 
Qin calls for favorable conditions for the implementation of DOC and formulation of COC to maintain peace and stability on the South China Sea.
Russia slams "biased" NATO approach to Ukraine situation/xinhua
The Russian government is accusing NATO of bias over the situation in Ukraine.
A foreign ministry spokesman has commented on word that NATO is canceling meetings and cooperation with Russia, because of what's happening in Ukraine.
The official says that shows a biased approach to NATO's analysis of the 'cause and consequences' of events in Ukraine and the semi-autonomous Crimea region.
Russia has repeatedly explained to NATO its actions in Crimea are aimed at providing security to Russia's Black Sea fleet.
Ukrainian leader vetoes Crimea' s referendum on joining Russia
Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Alexandr Turchynov has signed a decree, vetoing the Crimean parliament's decision to hold referendum on joining Russia.
The decree says Under the Constitution of Ukraine as well as the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, any regional referendum is illegal. 
It says the issue could be settled solely by the nationwide referendum, approved by the country' s parliament.
China confident over int'l trade target: minister
China's commerce minister has expressed confidence of achieving the 7.5-percent growth target in foreign trade this year, citing an improving global economy and competitiveness among domestic enterprises.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the ongoing legislative session, Gao Hucheng said although the economy of emerging markets is slowing down, the fundamentals are sound enough to tackle the existing difficulties.
China's foreign trade surpassed 4 trillion U.S. dollars for the first time in 2013, up 7.6 percent over 2012.
Meanwhile, Gao Hucheng notes that Chinese authorities are studying the idea of relaxing bans on foreign capital in some 10 service and manufacturing industries, including finance, education, accounting, auditing, logistics and electronic commerce.
One more H7N9 case in E China
One more human case of H7N9 bird flu has been reported in east China's Fujian Province.
A 27-year-old man who lives in Fuzhou City was confirmed to have been infected with the virus. He is being treated in an isolation ward of the county hospital. 
The new case brought the number of infections in the province this year to 16, including four deaths and eight who have recovered and been discharged from the hospital..
China to build first Internet-themed museum
China is set to become the home of the world's first internet museum.
The announcement was made by the country's internet watchdog.
The museum will show the history of China's internet development, with some exhibitions opening in early April.
China now has more than 600-million internet users, with booming e-commerce and gaming sectors.
Sochi opens Winter Paralympic Games with inspiration, human strength
Twelve days after the closing of the Sochi Winter Olympics, the 11th Winter Paralympic Games opened in Sochi on Friday night with a thrilling and inspiring ceremony.
China has a small delegation of ten athletes who will participate in wheelchair curling and cross-country skiing during the Sochi Games. 
The Sochi Paralympic Games are slated for March 7-16 with 72 medal events across five sports to be contested.