

  From NPR News in Washington, I'm Lakshmi Singh.
  Bells toll across Tucson, Arizona in memory of the lives forever changed by a gunman _1_ six people and wounded 13 during an outdoor event. Among the _2_ , former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who _3_ wounded _4_ with her constituents. Two years later, Giffords _5_ the gun lobby. NPR's Kirk Ziegler reports that on this anniversary, Giffords and her husband are launching a new political action committee aimed at curbing gun violence.
  The new pack is called Americans for Responsible Solutions, which plans to _6_ to "counterbalance the influence of the pro-gun lobby". A statement on its new website says the group will encourage elected officials to stand up for solutions to prevent gun violence while also protecting responsible gun ownership. In an op-ed published in USA Today, Gabrielle Giffords aims her _7_ at Congress, noting that since Tucson, there have been 11 more mass shootings in the US, including the much deadlier ones last year in Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, Connecticut. Giffords says the main purpose of the new pack is to raise money so that members of Congress won't, in her words, have reason to _8_ lobby. Kirk Siegler, NPR News.
  The White House _9_ discussions over gun violence in response to last month's shooting rampage at a Connecticut elementary school.Vice President Joe Biden is _10_ meet with gun control groups tomorrow then gun rights advocates on Thursday. It is part of President Obama's edict across the administration to present proposals by the end of this month on ways to curb gun violence.
  Illinois lawmakers have only hours now to come up with a plan to deal with what's considered the biggest pension shortfall in the nation.NPR's Cheryl Corley reports a new legislature is sworn in tomorrow, and if no deal was struck, the state must start new negotiations.
  1. aim at(以…)瞄准;针对;以…为目标;计划
  eg. Then analyze the approaches which aim at these two parts, and point out the deficiencies.
  eg. Any reform of the international monetary system is likely to aim at restoring greater symmetry between the economic and monetary spheres.
  eg. A stationary target is easiest to aim at.
  2. come up with 追赶上;比得上;想出;准备好(钱等)
  eg. Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own.
  eg. 30 years ago, scientists came up with the theory that protons and neutrons are composed of three smaller particles.
  eg. If Warren can come up with the $15 million, we'll go to London.
  3. be sworn in 宣誓就职
  eg. Authorities say the new government will be sworn in on thursday.
  eg. The newly elected president will be sworn in on April 6th.
  1、killed 2、survivors 3、was critically 4、while she was meeting 5、is taking on
  6、raise money 7、harshest words 8、fear the gun 9、is stepping up 10、due to