

  From NPR news in Washington, I am I'm Korva Coleman.The annual flu season started about a month early and health officials say symptoms are wide spread over much of the country.In New York State, the governor _1_ a public health emergency because of the severity of the breakout there.From the member station WNYC, Mark Gabbert reports.“The order by Andrew Cuomo comes as New York deal with nearly 20,000 reported cases of influenza, that's more than 4 times the for the entire last season.It authorizes pharmacists to immunize a much greater segment of the population than usually _2_ by law.Health official say the breakout is sitting every county in the state.The of patients submitted to hospitals _3_ influenza spiked 55% in recent days.They say the of cases is likely to climb higher before off because flu is highly contagious in victims and spread it even after feeling better.For NPR news, I am Mark Gabbert in New York.”
  Cold weather is pushing through the western and central parts of US.It's been so chilly in some regions of California;citrus growers _4_ their orchard with wind machines.They are working to raise temperatures near their fruit trees by a few degrees.As the cold weather pushes to the midwestern and eastern parts of the US, heavy rain could fall on the plainest states and possible trigger some flooding.
  Former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak is getting a re-trial over the killing of protestors in the uprising got ousted of him.A court in Cairo order the re-trail today, NPR's Leila Fadel reports the move will be likely welcomed by most of the Egyptians.“Mubarak, his administer of interior Habib al-Adly and Habid's deputies will all _5_ again in an Egyptian court rule today.Mubarak and Habib were previously given life-sentences for failing to stop the killing of some one thousand demonstrators and these deputies were all acquitted.Many Egyptians say the trial was filled with problems and the sentences were not strong enough.The defenders' lawyers appeal sentences and Egypt's general prosecutor appeal the acquittals.In theory, Mubarak could be released today based on the appeal.But he is now being investigated on separate charges and he has been ordered to detain during the investigation.Leila Fadel NPR news, Cairo.”
  1.symptom n.症状;征兆
  Cigarettes can aggravate the symptoms of a cold.
  2.severity n.严格;严重
  Don't speak to the child with severity.
  3.contagious a.传染性的;感染性的
  Scarlet fever is highly contagious.
  4.chilly a.寒冷的;冷淡的
  It's a chilly morning.
  5.trigger n.扳机;起因
  Price increases will trigger off demands for wage increases.
  参考答案:1、has declared 2、allowed 3、with confirmed
  4、have been out in 5、be trialed